Programmatic access to the South Florida Water Management District's DBHYDRO database

Project Status: Active - The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed. Travis-CI Build Status CRAN_Status_Badge CRAN RStudio mirror downloads

dbhydroR provides scripted access to the South Florida Water Management District's DBHYDRO database which holds over 35 million hydrologic and water quality records from the Florida Everglades and surrounding areas.


Stable version from CRAN


or development version from Github

install.packages("devtools") # Requires RTools if using Windows



Load dbhydroR


Water Quality Data

Station IDs and date ranges can be viewed in the ArcGIS Online Station Map. Test names can be viewed in the Data Types Metadata Table.

One variable at one station

get_wq(station_id = "FLAB08", date_min = "2011-03-01", 
      date_max = "2012-05-01", test_name = "CHLOROPHYLLA-SALINE")

One variable at multiple stations

get_wq(station_id = c("FLAB08","FLAB09"), date_min = "2011-03-01",
      date_max = "2012-05-01", test_name = "CHLOROPHYLLA-SALINE")

One variable at a wildcard station

get_wq(station_id = c("FLAB0%"), date_min = "2011-03-01", 
      date_max = "2012-05-01", test_name = "CHLOROPHYLLA-SALINE")

Multiple variables at multiple stations

get_wq(station_id = c("FLAB08","FLAB09"), date_min = "2011-03-01",
      date_max = "2012-05-01", test_name = c("CHLOROPHYLLA-SALINE",

Operate on raw data

raw_data <- get_wq(station_id = "FLAB08", date_min = "2011-03-01", 
      date_max = "2012-05-01", test_name = "CHLOROPHYLLA-SALINE", raw = TRUE)


Hydrologic data

Station IDs and date ranges can be viewed in the ArcGIS Online Station Map.

Identify unique time series (dbkeys) before-hand

get_dbkey(stationid = "C111%", stat = 'MEAN', category = "WQ", detail.level = "full")
get_hydro(dbkey = 38104, date_min = "2009-01-01", date_max = "2009-01-12")

Pass station info on-the-fly

get_hydro(date_min = "2013-01-01", date_max = "2013-02-02",
         stationid = "JBTS", category = "WEATHER", param = "WNDS",
         freq = "DA", stat = "MEAN", recorder = "CR10", agency = "WMD")

Operate on raw data

raw_data <- get_hydro(date_min = "2013-01-01", date_max = "2013-02-02",
         stationid = "JBTS", category = "WEATHER", param = "WNDS",
         freq = "DA", stat = "MEAN", recorder = "CR10", agency = "WMD", raw = TRUE)



vignette("dbhydroR", package = "dbhydroR")

DBHYDRO User's Guide



SFWMD/dbhydroR documentation built on May 9, 2019, 11:11 a.m.