
#' @name IRTpp
#' @docType package
#' @title IRTpp : Item Response Theory Implemented in R and Cpp
#' @description IRTpp supports the IRT and MIRT methodologies by implementing 
#' many IRT relevant algorithms for model exploration, calibration and 
#' fitting, IRTpp aims to be a high IRT performance software, using C++ where it is
#' needed.  IRTpp can be used not only on classical IRT applications but 
#' also on data mining. Particularly in textual analysis.
#' @details
#' \tabular{ll}{
#'Package: \tab IRTpp\cr
#'Type: \tab Package\cr
#'Version: \tab 0.1\cr
#'Date: \tab 2015-19-03\cr
#'License: \tab MIT \cr
#'@author SICS Research Team
#'@keywords IRT MIRT Psychometry 
#'@useDynLib IRTpp
#'@importFrom Rcpp sourceCpp
#'@section Getting Started:
#'Get started with the IRTpp package browsing the index of this documentation
#'if you need help the vignettes should be helpful.
#'@section Getting Started:
#'The IRTpp package allows you to use the IRT methodology for simulating, analyzing and scoring tests \cr
#'You can browse the package vignettes to get started.
SICSresearch/IRTpp_old documentation built on May 9, 2019, 11:12 a.m.