Man pages for SICSresearch/LatentREGpp
Item Response Theory Implemented in R and Cpp

alpha_cronbachCronbach's alpha
alpha_curveCronbach-Mesbah Curve
an_parallelParallel Analysis
biserial_corBiserial Correlation
eap_gpcLatent Trait Estimation with EAP for gerenalized parcial...
envelope_itemfConfidence Envelops for an item
estim_gpcEstimation gpc model
findim_hcpcDiscovering Dimension
guttGuttman's Lambda
itemfitParameter estimation of a test
itemfit_bayesianBayesian parameter estimation of a test
LatentREGpp-DescriptionLatentREGpp : Item Response Theory Implemented in R and Cpp
map_gpcLatent Trait Estimation with MAP for gerenalized parcial...
orlando_itemfOrlando's statistic
personfitLatent traits estimation
phiPhi coefficient of correlation
polyserial_corPolyserial correlation
quadpointsQuadrature points
simulate_dichotomousDichotomous data simulation
simulate_polytomousPolytomous data simulation
x2_itemfStatistical x2.
YuleYule coefficient of correlation
z3_itemfZ3item fit statistic
z3_personfZ3 Person fit statistic
SICSresearch/LatentREGpp documentation built on May 9, 2019, 11:13 a.m.