Man pages for SLINGhub/SLINGtools
Mass Spectrometry and Lipidomics Data Analysis in R

batch_corr_centerCombines a list of MidarExperiments into one
calcQCCalculate QC parameters for each feature
combine_experimentsCombines a list of MidarExperiments into one
cvlogCoefficient of variation (CV) using log-transformed data
drift_corr_loessPerforms drift correction based on LOESS smoothing
exportWideCSVExport any parameter to a wide-format table
get_statsGet FC and p values from a t test contrast
import_MSOrganizerXLMImports metadata provided by an MSOrganizer EXCEL template
loadMSOrganizerXLM#' load_MRMkit_csv #' #' @param data MidarExperiment object...
MidarExperimentConstructor for the MidarExperiment object.
MidarExperiment-classS4 Class Representing the MIDAR Dataset
normalizeByISTDNormalize Intensities with corresponding ISTD Intensities
pipePipe operator
plot_pca_qcPCA plot for QC
plot_responsecurvesResponse curves plot
plot_runscatterRunScatter plot
quantitateByISTDQuantitate using sample and spiked ISTD amounts
read_long_table_csvReads a long CSV file with Feature Intensities
read_MassHunterCSVRead and convert an Agilent MassHunter Quant CSV result file
read_MassHunterCSV_wideReads a wide CSV file with Feature Intensities
read_MRMkit_raw_area_CSVRead and convert an Agilent MassHunter Quant CSV result file
read_MRMkit_resultsReads a long CSV file with Feature Intensities
read_table_wideReads a wide CSV or XLSX sheet with Feature Values
saveQCinfoSave the QC table to a CSV file
SLINGtools-packageSLINGtools: Mass Spectrometry and Lipidomics Data Analysis in...
volcano_plotGet FC and p values from a t test contrast
writeReportXLSWrites all a data processing report to an EXCEL file
SLINGhub/SLINGtools documentation built on April 20, 2023, 5:09 a.m.