Man pages for SMAPPNYU/smappR
Tools for analysis of Twitter data

count.tweetsConnect to Mongo database and return count of tweets that...
estimate.ideologyEstimates ideology for a given Twitter user
extract.hashtagsConnect to Mongo database and extract hashtags from each...
extract.recent.tweetsConnect to Mongo database and extract most recent tweets for...
extract.retweetsConnect to Mongo database and extract retweets that match...
extract.tweetsConnect to Mongo database and extract tweets that match...
format.facebook.dateConverts from Facebook date format to R date format
formatTwDateConverts from Twitter date format to R date format
format.twitter.dateConverts from Twitter date format to R date format
getFollowersReturns the list of user IDs that correspond to a given...
getFriendsReturns the list of user IDs a given Twitter user follows
getGeoReturns geographic information about a location string
getListReturns the list of users added to a Twitter list
getRetweetsReturns the list of user IDs that retweeted a specific tweet.
getStatusesDownloads tweets by their ID from REST API and saves to a...
getTimelineReturns up to 3,200 recent tweets from a given user
getUsersReturns user data for up to 100 Twitter users
getUsersBatchReturns user data for a vector of Twitter user IDs or...
ideology.plotDisplays estimated ideology with other reference ideal points
plot.tweetsPlots number of tweets by hour or minute
posterior_samplesPosterior samples of ideology estimates for elites
refdataSummary ideology estimates for elites
searchTweetsSearch recent tweets
searchUsersReturns list of users related to a search query
smapp-packageTools for analysis of Twitter data
smappR-packageTools for analysis of Twitter data
traceplotDisplays trace plot for MCMC chains of ideology estimator
traceplot.ideologyDisplays trace plot for MCMC chains of ideology estimator
tweetsToDFConverts object of class "tweets" to data frame
tweetsToMongoParses and exports tweets to a Mongo DB collection, adding...
word.frequenciesCounts words in a string vector
SMAPPNYU/smappR documentation built on May 9, 2019, 11:19 a.m.