
Defines functions calcPercChange

Documented in calcPercChange

#' calcPercChange
#' this function applies a basic deterministic % change calculation to a data frame of Year x Stock,
#' with various user options (e.g. log transform, gen avg smoothing, time window to use).
#' For a single vector, use  calcPercChangeSimple()
#' @param X a data frame with Years x Stocks. Row labels are years, no missing years allowed, NA are possible, but will result in NA for
# any recent time window that includes one or more NA (for now: discuss infill options for future extensions, as in Ck implementation)
#' @param gen.in = average generation time
#' @param slope.num.gen number of generations over which to calculate the perc change
#' @param extra.yrs to handle COSEWIC "extra year". default is 0
#' @param genmean.smoothing  if TRUE, apply the smoothSeries() function. default is TRUE
#' @param log.transform   if TRUE, log-transform the time series before calculating the smoothed series. default is TRUE
#' @param out.exp  if TRUE, take the exponent of the smoothed series before calculating the perc change. default is FALSE
#' @param tracing if TRUE, print various diagnostics to the command line. default is FALSE
#' @keywords percent change, slope
#' @export

calcPercChange  <- function(X,gen.in = 4, slope.num.gen = 3, extra.yrs = 0, genmean.smoothing = TRUE,
                            log.transform = TRUE, out.exp = FALSE, tracing=FALSE){

# if genmean.smoothing
	series.use <- apply(X,MARGIN=2,FUN=smoothSeries,gen = gen.in , filter.sides=1, log.transform = log.transform, out.exp = out.exp,na.rm=FALSE)
	dimnames(series.use) <- dimnames(X)

	series.use <- X

if(tracing){ print("series.use ------"); print(tail(series.use))}

# create output template
out.mat <- series.use
out.mat[,] <- NA

yrs.list <-   as.numeric(dimnames(series.use)[[1]])

# get first smoothed value at 1 gen.in, then need 3 more gen for the slope
# (e.g. if gen = 4, start at 15th year (stocks with missing data at beginning will juts get NA (b/c na.rm =FALSE below)
# plus account for the COSEWIC extra yr option
yrs.list <- yrs.list[  (gen.in -1 + extra.yrs + gen.in*slope.num.gen) :  length(yrs.list) ]
if(tracing){print("yrs.list"); print(yrs.list)}

for(yr.use in yrs.list){

yrs.vec <-  seq(yr.use- ((gen.in*slope.num.gen)-1+extra.yrs) ,yr.use)
sub.idx <- dimnames(series.use)[[1]] %in% yrs.vec
tmp.mat <- series.use[sub.idx,]
out.mat[as.character(yr.use),] <- apply(tmp.mat, MARGIN=2,FUN= per.change.mod.fast,na.rm=FALSE)

} # end looping through years


} # end calcPercChange function
SOLV-Code/MetricsCOSEWIC documentation built on Nov. 3, 2022, 8:59 p.m.