knitr::opts_chunk$set(collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>")


This vignette provide a gentle introduction to the testing framework designed for R modules of the Statistical Working System.

Testing is an crucial dimension of all software development and integrated data analysis. Without testing, one can never be certain ofthe reliability and validity of the end result. Moreover, when new developments are introduced, there exist no protection to safeguard the program to continue to perform the intended task.

The concept is so important that a paradigm emerged focusing on writing the tests first prior to any development. This is known as Test driven development (TDD).

In this introduction, we will provide a brief explaination of the functionality and standards of the package then provide simple illustration of how to build input, output and module tests for R modules.

It is necessary for an R modules to embrace all three requirement tests before being accepted as core module in the Statistical Working System.

Before we begin, let us generate a simulated dataset which we will use to illustrate the functionalities and provide example for the rest of the document.

test_data =
    data.table(geographicAreaM49 = rep("100", 10),
               measuredItemCPC = rep("0111", 10),
               measuredElement = rep("5510", 10),
               timePointYears = as.character(2000:2009),
               Value = rnorm(10),
               flagObservationStatus =
                   c("E", "I", "I", "T", "", "", "M", "T", "", "M"),
               flagMethod =
                   c("q", "p", "i", "c", "u", "u", "e", "e", "-", "u"))


The purpose of the package is to standardise the test framework, and to avoid duplication of identical functions. Further, similar tests can be merged to form more generalised test in order to incorporate a broader scope of potential problems.

Developers of the Statistical Working System, should all contribut to this package, share the experience and data problems present in each individual modules. This will eliminate the chances of solving the same problem accross different projects.

To extend the functionality of the package, a new function must adhere to the standard of the package and have the following component.

  1. When an error is detected, an error should be thrown with the stop function.

  2. The function should have a returnData arguement, when set to TRUE the original data should be returned if no error was detected for sequential tests. This is based on the same philosphy as the ensurer package. Nevertheless, there are cases where we do not want to return the data and simply test whether the data is valid, then the arguement can simply be set to FALSE.

  3. The function must have an getInvalidData arguement and returns the invalid data if any.

To illustrate the structure, an example is given below.


This is a function in the package to ensure the value of a variable is confines to the specified feasible range.


1. Return error when data is invalid

Here we test whether the data is between in the range [0, 100] inclusive. The indcludeEndPoint arguement indicate that the value 0 and 100 are both acceptable. Since our variable contains data contains negative value, the test is not passed and an error is thrown.

ensureValueRange(data = test_data,
                 ensureColumn = "Value",
                 min = 0,
                 max = 100,
                 includeEndPoint = TRUE,
                 returnData = TRUE,
                 getInvalidData = FALSE)

2. Return the data

Here we take the same example data and the same test, but to render our data valid, we expand the range to (-Inf, Inf).

As we can see from the printout, the data is now valid according to the test and the complete original data is returned.

ensureValueRange(data = test_data,
                 ensureColumn = "Value",
                 min = -Inf,
                 max = Inf,
                 includeEndPoint = TRUE,
                 returnData = TRUE,
                 getInvalidData = FALSE)

We can also silence the output by setting the returnData arguement to FALSE.

This time, the data is valid and thus no error is issued but the data is no longer returned.

ensureValueRange(data = test_data,
                 ensureColumn = "Value",
                 min = -Inf,
                 max = Inf,
                 includeEndPoint = TRUE,
                 returnData = FALSE,
                 getInvalidData = FALSE)

3. Obtain Invalid Data

Testing for error is a preliminery, solving the problem is the goal. To ease the debugging process, the function should be able to return the invalid data.

In addition, when developing validation modules, we may want to collect all the invalid data instead of terminating the program.

Below we revert to the same test as in section one where there are invalid data, instead of issuing the error, the invalid data is returned by specify getInvalidData to FALSE.

Now the function returns value that are not within the [0, 100] range.

ensureValueRange(data = test_data,
                 ensureColumn = "Value",
                 min = 0,
                 max = 100,
                 includeEndPoint = TRUE,
                 returnData = TRUE,
                 getInvalidData = TRUE)


In this section, we provide a minimal set of tests for each type of validation that should be incorporated in all modules.

Input Validation

For input validation, the recommended tests are:

Again an example is provided below, of course, there are additional tests specific for each domain that should be incorporated. Take the production domain for example, the production identity equation (Production = Area Harvested x Yield) must be satisfied.

test_data %>%
    ensureValueRange(data = .,
                     ensureColumn = "Value",
                     min = 0,
                     max = Inf,
                     includeEndPoint = TRUE,
                     returnData = TRUE,
                     getInvalidData = FALSE) %>%
    ensureFlagValidity(data = .,
                       flagObservationVar = "flagObservationStatus",
                       flagMethodVar = "flagMethod",
                       returnData = TRUE,
                       getInvalidData = FALSE) %>%
    ensureCorrectMissingValue(data = .,
                              valueVar = "Value",
                              flagObservationStatusVar = "flagObservationStatus",
                              missingObservationFlag = "M",
                              returnData = TRUE,
                              getInvalidData = FALSE)

Looks like our data is really dirty! Maybe we should fix it.

corrected_data = copy(test_data)

## Make all value positive
corrected_data[, `:=`("Value", abs(Value))]

## Correct flags
corrected_data[, `:=`(c("flagObservationStatus", "flagMethod"), list("I", "e"))]

## Correct Missing value
corrected_data[flagObservationStatus == "M", `:=`("Value", NA)]

Lets perform the tests again.

corrected_data %>%
    ensureValueRange(data = .,
                     ensureColumn = "Value",
                     min = 0,
                     max = Inf,
                     includeEndPoint = TRUE,
                     returnData = TRUE,
                     getInvalidData = FALSE) %>%
    ensureFlagValidity(data = .,
                       flagObservationVar = "flagObservationStatus",
                       flagMethodVar = "flagMethod",
                       returnData = TRUE,
                       getInvalidData = FALSE) %>%
    ensureCorrectMissingValue(data = .,
                              valueVar = "Value",
                              flagObservationStatusVar = "flagObservationStatus",
                              missingObservationFlag = "M",
                              returnData = TRUE,
                              getInvalidData = FALSE)

Now it would appear that the data is valid and we are ready to proceed to with data processing and analysis.

Output Validation

For the output validation, we recommend to test everything incorporated in the input validation, but with the following addition test:

The following code is not executed as to determine whether a destination cell is protected, connection to the Statistical Working System is required.

corrected_data %>%
    ensureValueRange(data = .,
                     ensureColumn = "Value",
                     min = -Inf,
                     max = Inf,
                     includeEndPoint = TRUE,
                     returnData = TRUE,
                     getInvalidData = FALSE) %>%
    ensureFlagValidity(data = .,
                       flagObservationVar = "flagObservationStatus",
                       flagMethodVar = "flagMethod",
                       returnData = TRUE,
                       getInvalidData = FALSE) %>%
    ensureCorrectMissingValue(data = .,
                              valueVar = "Value",
                              flagObservationStatusVar = "flagObservationStatus",
                              missingObservationFlag = "M"
                              returnData = TRUE,
                              getInvalidData = FALSE) %>%
    ensureProtectedData(data = .,
                        domain = "agriculture",
                        dataset = "aproduction",
                        returnData = FALSE,
                        getInvalidData = FALSE)

Module Validation

Finally, all module should have module specific tests. These can be in the form of:

In the case of production, one of the regression test is to ensure all time series are imputed where available. In case of future changes in methodology, the test will gurantee this requirement continue to be fulfilled.

corrected_data %>%
    ensureTimeSeriesImputed(data = .,
                            key = c("geographicAreaM49",
                            valueColumn = "Value",
                            returnData = TRUE,
                            getInvalidData = FALSE)

SWS-Methodology/faoswsEnsure documentation built on May 9, 2019, 11:47 a.m.