Man pages for SWS-Methodology/faoswsSeed
Package to perform the imputation of seed usage for the FAO seed domain

areaRemoveZeroConflictRemove Zero Conflicts
buildCPCHierarchyBuild CPC Hierarchy
ensureNoConflictingAreaSownHarvestedFunction to ensure that two value column does not contain...
faoswsSeed-packagePackage to perform the imputation of seed usage for the FAO...
fillCountrySpecificSeedRateFill country specific seed rates
fillGeneralSeedRateFill general seed rate
getAllAreaDataGet All Area Data
getAllCountriesGet All Countries
getAllItemCPCGet All Item CPC
getAllYearsGet All Years
getAreaDataFunction for obtaining the area harvested/sown data
getCountryGeneralSeedRateGet Country General Seed Rates
getCountrySpecificSeedRateFunction to load the country specific rate data
getOfficialSeedDataGet Official Seed Data
getSelectedSeedDataGet Selected Seed Data
getWorldBankClimateDataGet World Bank Climate Data
imputeAreaSownGet the area harvested/sown data
mergeAllSeedDataMerge All Seed Data
removeCarryForwardRemove Carry Forward
removeManualEstimationFunction to remove estimations manually derived. It refers to...
saveSeedDataSave Seed Data
seedDataExample seed data for the vignette.
SWS-Methodology/faoswsSeed documentation built on Nov. 21, 2020, 5:43 p.m.