flowsToMirror: Check which flows for which countries need to be mirrored.

View source: R/flowsToMirror.R

flowsToMirrorR Documentation

Check which flows for which countries need to be mirrored.


Some countries may be listed as partners, but never show up as reporters, while other may have an incomplete coverage of reported flows (e.g., imports are reported, but not exports and partner report having imports from that country). This function checks when one of these two cases happen and build a table of them.


flowsToMirror(data = NA, names = FALSE)



Trade dataset with ALL reporters included.


Logical: if TRUE an additional column is added to the result with country names (see faoAreaName; if FALSE (default) such column is not added.


A table with two columns: area is the country (that could originally have been a reporter or a partner) code, and flow that is an integer representing imports (1) or exports (2).

SWS-Methodology/faoswsTrade documentation built on June 1, 2024, 7:35 p.m.