createEntity: Entity CRUD Operations

Description Usage Arguments Details Value Author(s) See Also


Functions for creating, retrieving, updating and deleting entities in Synapse.





The entity being operated on. Depending on the function can be either an id (represented as a character or number) or a object whose class inherits from SynapseEntity. (see Details)


These methods represent the main API to Synapse entities. The exact behavior of each method may vary depending on the entity type passed, but the generic behavior of each method is described below.

createEntity This method creates an entity in Synapse. This method will only store the properties and annotations of the entity and will not store objects or files owned by entities that are capable of owning them. If storage of objects and/or files is desired upon creation of the entity, storeEnity, storeEntityObjects or storeEntityFiles should be used insted, depending on the desired action.

Note that Synapse requires that entity names be unique in their context, meaning that two entities with the same parent cannot have the same name. If the user attempts to create an entity with the same name as an entity that already exists with the same parent, create entity will throw an error and the entity will not be persisted in Synapse.

getEntity Retrieves an entity from Synapse. This method only retrieves the annotations and properties of an entity and wil not download files and/or objectes owned by entities that are capable of owning them. To retrieve files associated with an entity use the downloadEntity method. To load objects owned by the entity into the "objects" slot, use the loadEntity method.

updateEntity Update the annotations and properties of an existing Synapse entity. All properties and annotations that are stored in Synapse will be replaced by the properties and annotations of the entity passed to this method.

This method requires that the passed entity has a valid Synapse entity ID as it's "id" property and will generate an error otherwise.

Also note that for entities capable of owning files and/or objects, this method will not affect the status of these elements. To persist objects or files, use the storeEntityObjects or storeEnityFiles methods, respectively. To store all properties, annotations, files and objects in a single method call, use the storeEntity method

getParentEntity Get the parent entity of the entity being passes. This method returns only the properties and annotations of the parent entity and it's behavior can be reproduced by calling getEntity(propertyValue(entity, "parentId"))

storeEntity In general, storeEntity will persist all properties, annotaitons, objects and files owned by the passed entity. However, the actual data persisted by this method is dependent on the entity being passed. For objects that are not capable of owning files or objects, storeEntity persists only annotations and properties.

For entities that already exist in Synapse (i.e. have a valid "id" property), calling storeEntity is equivalent to a calling updateEntity, followed by a call to storeEntityObjects and storeEntity files (if applicable). For entities that do not exist in Synapse (i.e. have a NULL "id" property), the call to updateEntity is replaced by a call to createEntity.

storeEntityFiles Store the files owned by an entity. Specifically, all files listed in entity$files will be zipped up and uploaded to Synapse. Calling this method will not persist local changes to the entities properties and annotations.

storeEntityObjects Store the objects owned by an entity. It is important to note that this method will only store objects added to the entity using the addObject method. Objects that are added to the environment in the "objects" slot via other means will not be stored. Calling this method will not persist local changes to the entities properties and annotations.

downloadEntity Download the files owned by an entity, including the binary files holding R objects added via the addObject method and stored via the storeEntityObjects or storeEntity methods. Note that this method only downloads the data and does not load any objects into the environment in the "objects" slot.

Files retrieved by downloadEntity are stored in the cache directory (see entity$cacheDir or synapseCacheDir()). To preserve bandwidth, the data are only downloaded from the server if the files do not already exist in the cache or if the zip file checksum has changed since the last download.

Note that calling downloadEntity for an entity type that is not capable of owning objects or files is equivalent to calling getEntity.



for getParentEntity returns the parent of the entity provided.

for deleteEntity, NULL.

All other methods return a copy of the entity after performing the desired action.


Matt Furia

See Also


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