sss-methods: Shotgun Stochastic Search (sss)

Description Methods Value See Also


Runs a platform-specific version of Shotgun Stochastic Search (sss) from Hans, Dobra, and West. Writes out temporary files, passes them to an executable, and reads summary files back into R. Temporary files are discarded once the R session is terminated.


signature(formula = formula, ...)

of the form "response ~ data", where response is one of: (1) numeric vector (sssLinearModel); (2) numeric vector of 0s and 1s (sssBinaryModel); or (3) a Surv object (sssSurvivalModel), and data is a matrix with one row per observation and one column per predictor. sss method dispatches on an object that has class which is an extension of sssModel as shown above - and is built based on the response in the specified formula.


optional arguments, including:


a numeric indicator (length of number of observations) specifying if an observation is to be used in model training (value of 1) or in the model testing validation (value of 0) - training is called "weights" in sss documentation


prior mean of number of included variables (this is the key sparsity control parameter) - priormeanp=v means that each variable is "in the model" with prior probability v/(number of predictors) - default is 5


maximum model size (maximum number of predictors in any model) - default is 15


number of MCMC iterations - default is 100


number of models whose output is saved out of the iters iterations - default is 10


directory to save text files from sss executable (R objects will be populated as value of sss call) - default is tempdir() which will be removed at end of current R session


named arguments overwriting of defaults specified in the slots of class sssSetup - only for advanced users.


Return value is of class sssResult.

See Also

model classes

sssModel, sssBinaryModel, sssLinearModel, sssSurvivalModel

result classes


setup class


Sage-Bionetworks/sss documentation built on May 9, 2019, 12:14 p.m.