
A view is a view of all entities (File, Folder, Project, Table, Docker Repository, View) within one or more Projects or Folders. Views can:


syn <- reticulate::import("synapseclient")
EntityViewType <- syn$EntityViewType
# Create a new project
# use hex_digits to generate random string
hex_digits <- c(as.character(0:9), letters[1:6])
projectName <- sprintf("My unique project %s", paste0(sample(hex_digits, 32, replace = TRUE), collapse = ""))
project <- Project(projectName)
project <- synStore(project)

# Create some files
filePath <- tempfile()
connection <- file(filePath)
writeChar("this is the content of the first file", connection, eos = NULL)
file <- File(path = filePath, parent = project)
# Add some annotations
file$annotations = list(contributor = "UW", rank = "X")
file <- synStore(file)

filePath2 <- tempfile()
connection2 <- file(filePath2)
writeChar("this is the content of the second file", connection, eos = NULL)
file2 <- File(path = filePath2, parent = project)
file2$annotations = list(contributor = "UW", rank = "X")
file2 <- synStore(file2)

Creating a View:

view <- EntityViewSchema(name = "my first file view",
                         columns = c(
                           Column(name = "contributor", columnType = "STRING"),
                           Column(name = "class", columnType = "STRING"),
                           Column(name = "rank", columnType = "STRING")),
                         parent = project$properties$id,
                         scopes = project$properties$id,
                         includeEntityTypes = c(EntityViewType$FILE, EntityViewType$FOLDER),
                         add_default_columns = TRUE)

view <- synStore(view)

We support the following entity type in a View:

# wait for the view to be created

To see the content of your newly created View, use synTableQuery():

queryResults <- synTableQuery(sprintf("select * from %s", view$properties$id))
data <-

Updating Annotations using View

To update 'class' annotation for 'file2', simply update the view:

data["class"] <- c("V", "VI")
synStore(Table(view$properties$id, data))

The change in annotations is reflected in synGetAnnotations():


A unique etag is associated with every file that updates when changes are made to a file, including the contents, annotations, or metadata. Any updates pushed to Synapse will change an object's etag.


There may be cases where you want to update the annotations on a subset of files in a view. In order to preserve the etag, and thus the file history, you will need to store only the rows that have been modified.

data$contributor[1] <- c("Sage Bionetworks")
synStore(Table(view$properties$id, data[1,]))

Update View's Content

A view can contain different types of entity. To change the types of entity that will show up in a view:

view <- synGet(view$properties$id)

A View is a Table. Please visit Tables vignettes to see how to change schema, update content, and other operations that can be done on View.


Sage-Bionetworks/synapser documentation built on Aug. 23, 2024, 11:07 a.m.