  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  fig.path = "man/figures/README-",
  out.width = "100%", 
  eval = FALSE
sticker(subplot = "man/figures/faculty180_logo.png", 
        s_x = 1, 
        s_y = 1.15, 
        s_width = 0.5, 
        s_height = 0.5, 
        package  = "fac180", 
        p_x = 1, 
        p_y = 0.45, 
        p_color = "#003da5", 
        p_family = "Crimson Text", 
        p_size = 5, 
        h_fill = "#ffffff", 
        h_color = "#003da5", 
        url = "", 
        u_color = "#003da5", 
        u_family = "Crimson Text", 
        u_size = 1.1, 
        u_x = 1.005, 
        u_y = 0.1, 
        filename = "man/figures/fac180.png")


Under Development Last Commit


The goal of fac180 is to provide R bindings for the Interfolio Faculty180 Application programming interface (API)


You can install fac180 from GitHub with:



Saint Louis University

Founded in 1818, Saint Louis University is one of the nation’s oldest and most prestigious Catholic institutions. Rooted in Jesuit values and its pioneering history as the first university west of the Mississippi River, SLU offers nearly 13,000 students a rigorous, transformative education of the whole person. At the core of the University’s diverse community of scholars is SLU’s service-focused mission, which challenges and prepares students to make the world a better, more just place.

Saint-Louis-University/fac180 documentation built on Oct. 30, 2019, 11:46 p.m.