Man pages for SamGG/ropls
PCA, PLS(-DA) and OPLS(-DA) for multivariate analysis and feature selection of omics data

aminoacidsAmino-Acids Dataset
celluloseNIR-Viscosity example data set to illustrate multivariate...
checkW4MChecking the consistency of an ExpressionSet instance with...
coefCoefficients method for (O)PLS models
cornellOctane of various blends of gasoline
fittedFitted method for 'opls' objects
foodsFood consumption patterns accross European countries (FOODS)
getLoadingMNgetLoadingMN method for PCA/(O)PLS(-DA) models
getPcaVarVngetPcaVarVn method for PCA models
getScoreMNgetScoreMN method for PCA/(O)PLS(-DA) models
getSubsetVigetSubsetVi method for (O)PLS(-DA) models
getSummaryDFgetSummaryDF method for PCA/(O)PLS models
getVipVngetVipVn method for (O)PLS(-DA) models
getWeightMNgetWeightMN method for (O)PLS(-DA) models
linnerudLinnerud Dataset
lowarpA multi response optimization data set (LOWARP)
mark'mark' Dataset
oplsPCA, PLS(-DA), and OPLS(-DA)
opls-classClass "opls"
plotPlot Method for (O)PLS(-DA)
predictPredict method for (O)PLS models
printPrint method for 'opls' objects
residualsResiduals method for (O)PLS models
ropls-packagePCA, PLS(-DA) and OPLS(-DA) for multivariate analysis and...
sacurineAnalysis of the human adult urinary metabolome variations...
showShow method for 'opls' objects
strFPrinted summary of an R object
testedTested method for (O)PLS models
toW4MExporting ExpressionSet instance into 3 tabulated files.
SamGG/ropls documentation built on May 29, 2019, 1:51 a.m.