
Defines functions C4R.vocabulary.update C4R.vocabulary

Documented in C4R.vocabulary C4R.vocabulary.update

#' @title Show UDG vocabulary
#' @description Access the installed user's vocabulary
#' @return The vocabulary table, in the form of a data.frame
#' @seealso C4R.vocabulary.update, for the inclusion of new standard variables defined by the user
#' @note The function assumes that the user has read permission to the package installation directory
#' @author J Bedia
#' @references Standard name table of the CF convention: http://cfconventions.org/standard-names.html
#' @export
#' @importFrom utils read.csv
#' @examples
#' # Default built-in vocabulary
#' (voc <- C4R.vocabulary())
#' voc[grep("^ta", voc$identifier), ]

C4R.vocabulary <- function() {
   read.csv(file.path(find.package("climate4R.UDG"), "vocabulary.txt"))

#' @title Include new variables in the vocabulary
#' @description Allows the introduction of new user defined entries in the default vocabulary
#' @return The built-in vocabulary is updated with the new entries appended at the end.
#' @param identifier A vector containing the identifier(s) of the new variable(s) to be appended to the dictionary. 
#' @param standard_name A vector containing the standard name(s) of the new variable(s) to be appended to the dictionary. 
#' @param units A vector containing the units of the new variable(s) to be appended to the dictionary. 
#' @seealso C4R.vocabulary, to access the vocabulary contents
#' @export
#' @importFrom utils write.table
#' @author J Bedia
#' @references Standard name table of the CF convention: http://cfconventions.org/standard-names.html
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' # Inclusion of a new variable ("Total snowfall amount")
#' C4R.vocabulary.update(identifier = "prsn",
#'                       standard_name = "total snowfall amount",
#'                       units = "mm")
#' C4R.vocabulary()                 
#' # Inclusion of 2 new variables: 
#' C4R.vocabulary.update(identifier = c("wap", "plev"),
#'                       standard_name = c("lagrangian tendency of air pressure",
#'                                         "air pressure"),
#'                       units = c("Pa.s-1", "Pa"))
#' C4R.vocabulary() 
#' }

C4R.vocabulary.update <- function(identifier, standard_name, units) {
    ref <- C4R.vocabulary()
    if (any(identifier %in% ref$identifier)) {
        stop("One or more identifiers already exist in the vocabulary", call. = FALSE)      
    a <- cbind(identifier, standard_name, units)
    write.table(a, append = TRUE, file = file.path(find.package("climate4R.UDG"), "vocabulary.txt"),
                quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, sep = ",", col.names = FALSE)
SantanderMetGroup/climate4R.UDG documentation built on June 28, 2023, 6:03 p.m.