What is climate4R.climdex?

climate4R is a set of R packages for transparent climate data access, post processing (including bias correction and downscaling) and visualization. For more information and references, visit the climate4R page.

climate4R.climdex is a wrapper of the R package climdex.pcic allowing the calculation of the ETCCDI core indices for a seamless integration with the climate4R data structures, and providing support for parallel computing.


The recommended procedure for installing the package is using the devtools package. Note that this package depends on transformeR, another package from the climate4R bundle. Thus:

devtools::install_github(c("SantanderMetGroup/transformeR", "SantanderMetGroup/climate4R.climdex"))

A list of all available indices and the atomic functions calculating them is printed on screen with:

?climdexGrid   # see the examples 

Reference and further information:

[General description of the climate4R framework] Iturbide et al. (2019) The R-based climate4R open framework for reproducible climate data access and post-processing. Environmental Modelling and Software, 111, 42-54. Check out the companion notebooks for the two examples GitHub.

SantanderMetGroup/climate4R.climdex documentation built on July 3, 2023, 10:54 a.m.