Man pages for SantanderMetGroup/loadeR
A climate4R package for data access <>

adjustDatesAdjust time/start dates of a loaded object
adjustDates.forecastDate adjustment
adjustRCMgridRCM grid adjustment
C4R.datasetsShow standard public datasets
check.dictionaryCheck for dictionary options
dataInventoryDataset inventory
dataInventory.ASCIIData inventory of standard ASCII station datasets
dataInventory.NetCDFInventory of a gridded dataset
dataInventory.NetCDF.tsInventory of a Time Series dataset
deaccumPerforms deaccumulation
dictionaryLookupSearches variable string in the dictionary
dictionaryTransformPerforms variable transformation
dictionaryTransformForecastPerforms variable transformation
dictionaryTransformGridPerforms variable transformation
findPointXYindexDefine user-defined geolocation parameters
findVerticalLevelFinds vertical level from variable definition
getForecastTimeDomainSelection of time slices of forecast datasets
getLatLonDomainDetermine the geo-location parameters of an arbitrary user...
getLatLonDomainStationsDefine geolocation of station datasets
getMemberDomainDefine indices for member selection Define indices for member...
getRunTimeDomain.decadalRun time definition according to the time specifications in...
getTimeDomainSelection of time slices of gridded datasets
getTimeDomainStationsTime index positions for station dataset selections
getVerticalLevelParsDefinition of vertical dimension slices
hurs2hussSpecific humidity from relative humidity
loadCircularGridDataLoad a grid from a circular gridded dataset
loadDecadalForecastLoad a grid from a decadal forecast
loadGridDataLoad a grid from a gridded dataset
loadGridDatasetLoads a user-defined subset of a gridded CDM dataset
loadSeasonalForecastLoad a seasonal forecast
loadStationDataLoad station data
makeAggregatedDatasetCreate a dataset from a collection of (netCDF) files
makeSubsetReads an arbitrary data slice
makeSubset.decadalMakes a logical subset of a System4 GeoGrid
makeSubset.seasonalMakes a logical subset of a seasonal forecast GeoGrid
mslp2psSea-level pressure to surface pressure
ndaysCalculate the number of days of the current month
openDatasetOpen a grid dataset
revArrayLatDimReverse latitude coordinates ordering
scanVarDimensionsRetrieve dimension information for a gridded variable
stationInfoRetrieve station info
string2datePOSIXlt conversion from character
tdps2hursDew point to relative humidity
timeBoundsValueCompute time bounds
timeUnitstime units
writeStationDataWrite to Value format
SantanderMetGroup/loadeR documentation built on June 7, 2024, 8:16 p.m.