Man pages for SantanderMetGroup/transformeR
A climate4R package for general climate data manipulation and transformation

adjustTemporalCycleDatesAdjust temporal cycle dates
aggregateGridFlexible grid aggregation along selected dimensions
array3Dto2DmatConversion of a 3D array to a 2D matrix
array3Dto2Dmat.stationsConversion of a 3D array to a 2D matrix for station data
binaryGridConvert grid values to a binary variable
bindGridGrid binding by the specified dimension
bindGrid.memberGrid binding by member dimension
bindGrid.spatialGrid binding by spatial dimension
bindGrid.timeGrid binding by time dimension
checkDimSpatial check of input grids
checkGridCheck the structure of the grid
checkSeasonSeasonal check
checkTemporalConsistencyTemporal consistency check across input grids
checkVarNamesVariable name check
clim2sgdfClimatology to SpatialGridDataFrame or SpatialPointsDataFrame
climatologyCompute a grid climatology
climatologyVariogramEmpirical variogram of a climatology
cluster2plotConvert a grid of clusters into a C4R grid for plotting
clusterGridCluster analysis
clusterGrid_2DCluster analysis of 2D matrix
combine.PCsField Combination
comb.varsVariables combination
computeUncertaintyCalculate the uncertainty of the climate change signal.
convert2binConvert grid values to a binary variable
dataSplitSplit data into two different sets.
detrendGridLinear detrending
easyVeri2grideasyVerification matrix to climatological grid conversion
easyVeri.signifIdentify points significantly different from a given ref...
EOF2climPCA object EOFs to climatology grid
expandIrregularCoordsExpand irregular grid coords
fillGridFill missing dates and extend the latitude-longitude domain...
fillGridDatesFill missing dates
fillGridSpatialFill missing dates
filterGridTime filtering
filterNARemove missing values from grids
get2DmatCoordinatesGet grid coordinates as 2D matrix
getCoordinatesGet geographical coordinates of a climate data object
getDimRetrieve dimensions attribute
getFirstCharGet first character string before punctuation or space
getGridGet regular grid definition
getGridProjObtain projection information of a grid
getGridUnitsGet grid units
getGridVerticalLevelsGet grid vertical levels
getRefDatesRetrieve reference dates
getSeasonGet season
getShapeRetrieve array shape
getStationIDObtain station names and IDs
getTemporalIntersectionTemporal intersection
getTimeResolutionGet time resolution
getVariabilityThresholdCalculate the variability threshold.
getVarNamesGet grid variable names
getWindowIndexGet the index of the window days.
getWTObtain Weather Typing (WT) classification
getYearsAsINDEXGet years as a factor
grid2PCsProjection of a grid onto an EOF
grid2spGrid to SpatialGridDataFrame or SpatialPointsDataFrame
grid3Dto2DmatrixConversion of a 3D grid to a 2D matrix
gridArithmeticsBasic arithmetic operations between grids and numbers
gridDepthLevel depth in a list
gridFromPCAReconstruct a Grid from EOFs and principal components
gridScale.Local scaling internal
gridScale.typeLocal scaling type internal
interpGridGrid interpolation
intersectGridIntersection of multiple grids
intersectGrid.membersSubset two or more grids to the common members.
intersectGrid.spatialTemporal intersection of multiple grids
intersectGrid.timeTemporal intersection of multiple grids
intersectMembersSubset two or more grids to the common members.
isAlphaCharacterIs alphabetic character
isGridCheck if object is a grid
isMultigridCheck if object is a multigrid
isRegularCheck if the input grid is regular
lambWTCalculation of Lamb Weather types (WT).
latWeightingWeight as a function of latitude cosine
limitAreaLimit the area in an object returned by function 'getGrid'
localScalingGrid local scaling
localScaling.Local scaling internal
localScaling.typeLocal scaling type internal
makeMultiGridMultigrid constructor
mat2Dto3DarrayConversion 2D matrix into a 3D array
mat2Dto3Darray.stationsConversion 2D matrix into a 3D array for station data
matchStationsOrder the stations according to a particular order
memberAggregationMember aggregation
mergeGridMerge multiple grids in space
modelAgreementCalculate model agreement on the sign of change.
parallelCheckParallel availability check
pattern2gridTransform a climate4R pattern into a climate4R grid.
PC2gridPrincipal Component grid
persistencePersistence climatology (Temporal autocorrelation at given...
prinCompPrincipal Component Analysis of Grids
prinComp.Principal Component Analysis
prinComp.scaleLocal/Global grid scaling
redimComplete missing dimensions of Grid objects
refineGridHorizontal grid refining
reorderStationReorder loc dimension in irregular grids
rescaleGridGrid rescaling
scaleGridGrid scaling
selectPar.pplyFunSelect an appropriate *pply function
setGridDates.asPOSIXltSet Grid dates as POSIXlt (possibly with user-defined time...
setGridProjSet grid projection
setGridUnitsSet grid units
sgdf2climConversion from SpatialGridDataFrame-class objects to...
signalCalculate if signal exists in the anomalies.
signalAgreementCalculate signal agreement.
smoothGridGrid smoothing.
sortDim.spatialGrid sorting by latitude or longitude
sortDim.timeGrid sorting by time
sp2gridConvert a SpatialGridDataFrame to a C4R grid
spatialAggregationSpatial Aggregation
subsetClusterCluster subsets from a multimember grid
subsetDecadalForecastSubset decadal forecast by initialization years
subsetDimensionArbitrary grid subsetting along one of its dimensions
subsetGridSelect an arbitrary subset from a grid or multigrid along one...
subsetMembersMember subsets from a multimember grid
subsetRuntimeRuntime subsets from a grid
subsetSeasonMonthly subset of a grid
subsetSpatialSpatial subset from a grid
subsetStationMonthly subset of a grid
subsetVarExtract a grid from a multigrid object
subsetYearsYear subsets from a multimember grid
temporalCycleGridTemporal cycle calculation
timeAggregationTime aggregation
toJulianConvert to julian
trend.1DLinear trend analysis
typeofGridType of grid
upscaleGridHorizontal grid upscaling
vth.auxCompute variability threshold
which.leapLeap years
SantanderMetGroup/transformeR documentation built on Nov. 25, 2024, 1:25 p.m.