adjustTemporalCycleDates | Adjust temporal cycle dates |
aggregateGrid | Flexible grid aggregation along selected dimensions |
array3Dto2Dmat | Conversion of a 3D array to a 2D matrix |
array3Dto2Dmat.stations | Conversion of a 3D array to a 2D matrix for station data |
binaryGrid | Convert grid values to a binary variable |
bindGrid | Grid binding by the specified dimension |
bindGrid.member | Grid binding by member dimension |
bindGrid.spatial | Grid binding by spatial dimension |
bindGrid.time | Grid binding by time dimension |
checkDim | Spatial check of input grids |
checkGrid | Check the structure of the grid |
checkSeason | Seasonal check |
checkTemporalConsistency | Temporal consistency check across input grids |
checkVarNames | Variable name check |
clim2sgdf | Climatology to SpatialGridDataFrame or SpatialPointsDataFrame |
climatology | Compute a grid climatology |
climatologyVariogram | Empirical variogram of a climatology |
cluster2plot | Convert a grid of clusters into a C4R grid for plotting |
clusterGrid | Cluster analysis |
clusterGrid_2D | Cluster analysis of 2D matrix |
combine.PCs | Field Combination |
comb.vars | Variables combination |
computeUncertainty | Calculate the uncertainty of the climate change signal. |
convert2bin | Convert grid values to a binary variable |
dataSplit | Split data into two different sets. |
detrendGrid | Linear detrending |
easyVeri2grid | easyVerification matrix to climatological grid conversion |
easyVeri.signif | Identify points significantly different from a given ref... |
EOF2clim | PCA object EOFs to climatology grid |
expandIrregularCoords | Expand irregular grid coords |
fillGrid | Fill missing dates and extend the latitude-longitude domain... |
fillGridDates | Fill missing dates |
fillGridSpatial | Fill missing dates |
filterGrid | Time filtering |
filterNA | Remove missing values from grids |
get2DmatCoordinates | Get grid coordinates as 2D matrix |
getCoordinates | Get geographical coordinates of a climate data object |
getDim | Retrieve dimensions attribute |
getFirstChar | Get first character string before punctuation or space |
getGrid | Get regular grid definition |
getGridProj | Obtain projection information of a grid |
getGridUnits | Get grid units |
getGridVerticalLevels | Get grid vertical levels |
getRefDates | Retrieve reference dates |
getSeason | Get season |
getShape | Retrieve array shape |
getStationID | Obtain station names and IDs |
getTemporalIntersection | Temporal intersection |
getTimeResolution | Get time resolution |
getVariabilityThreshold | Calculate the variability threshold. |
getVarNames | Get grid variable names |
getWindowIndex | Get the index of the window days. |
getWT | Obtain Weather Typing (WT) classification |
getYearsAsINDEX | Get years as a factor |
grid2PCs | Projection of a grid onto an EOF |
grid2sp | Grid to SpatialGridDataFrame or SpatialPointsDataFrame |
grid3Dto2Dmatrix | Conversion of a 3D grid to a 2D matrix |
gridArithmetics | Basic arithmetic operations between grids and numbers |
gridDepth | Level depth in a list |
gridFromPCA | Reconstruct a Grid from EOFs and principal components |
gridScale. | Local scaling internal |
gridScale.type | Local scaling type internal |
interpGrid | Grid interpolation |
intersectGrid | Intersection of multiple grids |
intersectGrid.members | Subset two or more grids to the common members. |
intersectGrid.spatial | Temporal intersection of multiple grids |
intersectGrid.time | Temporal intersection of multiple grids |
intersectMembers | Subset two or more grids to the common members. |
isAlphaCharacter | Is alphabetic character |
isGrid | Check if object is a grid |
isMultigrid | Check if object is a multigrid |
isRegular | Check if the input grid is regular |
lambWT | Calculation of Lamb Weather types (WT). |
latWeighting | Weight as a function of latitude cosine |
limitArea | Limit the area in an object returned by function 'getGrid' |
localScaling | Grid local scaling |
localScaling. | Local scaling internal |
localScaling.type | Local scaling type internal |
makeMultiGrid | Multigrid constructor |
mat2Dto3Darray | Conversion 2D matrix into a 3D array |
mat2Dto3Darray.stations | Conversion 2D matrix into a 3D array for station data |
matchStations | Order the stations according to a particular order |
memberAggregation | Member aggregation |
mergeGrid | Merge multiple grids in space |
modelAgreement | Calculate model agreement on the sign of change. |
parallelCheck | Parallel availability check |
pattern2grid | Transform a climate4R pattern into a climate4R grid. |
PC2grid | Principal Component grid |
persistence | Persistence climatology (Temporal autocorrelation at given... |
prinComp | Principal Component Analysis of Grids |
prinComp. | Principal Component Analysis |
prinComp.scale | Local/Global grid scaling |
redim | Complete missing dimensions of Grid objects |
refineGrid | Horizontal grid refining |
reorderStation | Reorder loc dimension in irregular grids |
rescaleGrid | Grid rescaling |
scaleGrid | Grid scaling |
selectPar.pplyFun | Select an appropriate *pply function |
setGridDates.asPOSIXlt | Set Grid dates as POSIXlt (possibly with user-defined time... |
setGridProj | Set grid projection |
setGridUnits | Set grid units |
sgdf2clim | Conversion from SpatialGridDataFrame-class objects to... |
signal | Calculate if signal exists in the anomalies. |
signalAgreement | Calculate signal agreement. |
smoothGrid | Grid smoothing. |
sortDim.spatial | Grid sorting by latitude or longitude |
sortDim.time | Grid sorting by time |
sp2grid | Convert a SpatialGridDataFrame to a C4R grid |
spatialAggregation | Spatial Aggregation |
subsetCluster | Cluster subsets from a multimember grid |
subsetDecadalForecast | Subset decadal forecast by initialization years |
subsetDimension | Arbitrary grid subsetting along one of its dimensions |
subsetGrid | Select an arbitrary subset from a grid or multigrid along one... |
subsetMembers | Member subsets from a multimember grid |
subsetRuntime | Runtime subsets from a grid |
subsetSeason | Monthly subset of a grid |
subsetSpatial | Spatial subset from a grid |
subsetStation | Monthly subset of a grid |
subsetVar | Extract a grid from a multigrid object |
subsetYears | Year subsets from a multimember grid |
temporalCycleGrid | Temporal cycle calculation |
timeAggregation | Time aggregation |
toJulian | Convert to julian |
trend.1D | Linear trend analysis |
typeofGrid | Type of grid |
upscaleGrid | Horizontal grid upscaling |
vth.aux | Compute variability threshold |
which.leap | Leap years |
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