Man pages for SaskiaFreytag/schex
Hexbin plots for single cell omics data

make_hexbinBivariate binning of single cell data into hexagon cells.
make_hexbin_labelGroup label plot position.
plot_hexbin_bivariatePlot of feature expression and uncertainty of single cells in...
plot_hexbin_densityPlot of density of observations from single cell data in...
plot_hexbin_fcPlot of fold change of selected gene in single cell data...
plot_hexbin_featurePlot of feature expression of single cells in bivariate...
plot_hexbin_feature_plusPlot of gene expression and meta data of single cell data in...
plot_hexbin_interactPlot of interaction of expression of single cells in...
plot_hexbin_metaPlot of meta data of single cell data in bivariate hexagon...
plot_hexbin_meta_plusPlot of meta data with annotation of single cell data in...
schexschex: A package for plotting hexbin plots for single cell...
SaskiaFreytag/schex documentation built on Feb. 4, 2024, 7:49 p.m.