SciViews_R: Configure R for the SciViews::R dialect

SciViews_RR Documentation

Configure R for the SciViews::R dialect


Load required packages like data.table, collapse, ggplot2, dplyr, svMisc, ... to get a fully functional SciViews::R dialect environment.


R(..., lang = NULL, dtx = NULL, threads.percent = 75, silent = TRUE)

## S3 method for class 'SciViews_R'
print(x, ...)



Further topics to include to configure R (load more packages). Currently, "infer", "model", "explore", "ml", "ts" or "spatial"


What is the default natural language to use, e.g., "en" or "fr", with uppercase versions "EN" or "FR" convert even more strings, for instance, does not convert factor levels in the corresponding language for supported data sets unless the uppercase version is specified. If NULL (by default), current configuration is not changed.


Which dtx object is to be used be default? "dtt" or "data.table" for data.table, "dtf" or "data.frame" for data.frame, "dtbl", "tibble" or "tbl_df" for tibble's tbl_df, the name of a function to use to convert a data.frame object, or NULL (by default) to keep current settings.


The percentage of threads to use for {data.table} and {collapse} parallel code (number of threads depend on how many are available, and the value is rounded towards zero).


If TRUE (by default), no report is printed about loaded packages and conflicts.


An object to print.


Use SciViews::R instruction in the beginning of an R script, or in the setup or first chunk of an R Markdown/Notebook to ensure the SciViews::R dialect is correctly installed. The report indicating attached packages and conflicts is largely inspired by the corresponding tidyverse code, written by Hadley Wickham.

See Also

library(), utils::install.packages()


## Not run: 

## End(Not run)

SciViews/SciViews documentation built on Sept. 3, 2024, 9:30 a.m.