Sgg: Make a ggplot function pipeable

SggR Documentation

Make a ggplot function pipeable


The set Sgg should be used like this: Sgg$geom_point(). It transforms on the fly an original {ggplot2} function supposed to be used with the + operator (like p + geom_point()) into a pipeable version (like p %>% Sgg$geom_point()).


Sgg(ggplot, ...)

## S3 method for class 'subsettable_Sgg'

## S3 method for class 'subsettable_Sgg'
.DollarNames(x, pattern = "")



An object of class "ggplot" (or "theme").


Further arguments passed to the the ggplot function (see Details).


The Sgg()function.


The name of the ggplot function to make pipeable.


A regular expression to list matching names.


The function returned by Sgg$fun is a modified version of the function fun where a first argument ⁠ggplot =⁠ is added, and the instruction ggplot + ... is added in its body. A message is also added in the body to explicitly warn about these changes. All the other arguments of fun remain valid and should keep their original meaning.

The changes are done on the fly, and the original function fun is not altered anywhere else (and in particular, no alteration is done in a package or a namespace). When using this construct, make sure that: (1) you understand what is done, (2) you are aware that you use an altered version of the original function, (3) a bug or strange behavior may occur due to the patch and the original author of the function is not responsible in this case (the problem must be reported to the author of Sgg and the maintainer of the present package instead), and (4) the patched function exhibits an additional argument and behaves differently to what is described in the help page of the original, non-patched, function!


The Sgg() function just returns an error message. When subsetted with the name of a {ggplot2} function (e.g., Sgg$geom_point()), it returns a modified version of that function in such a way that it can be used with a pipe operator.


ggplot(aes(x = Petal.Length, y = Sepal.Length, col = Species) , data = iris) |>
  Sgg$geom_point() |>
  Sgg$labs(x = "Sepal length (mm)", y = "Petal length (mm)")
# Also try completion with Sgg$<tab>

SciViews/chart documentation built on June 3, 2024, 7:26 a.m.