unitTests.svUnit: Unit tests for the package 'svUnit'

unitTests.svUnitR Documentation

Unit tests for the package 'svUnit'


Performs unit tests defined in this package by running example(unitTests.svUnit). Tests are in runit*.R files located in the '/unitTests' subdirectory or one of its subdirectories ('/inst/unitTests' and subdirectories in package sources).


Philippe Grosjean


if (require(svUnit)) {
  runTest(svSuite("package:svUnit"), "svUnit")
  # Tests to run with example() but not with R CMD check
  runTest(svSuite("package:svUnit (VirtualClass)"), "VirtualClass")
  ## Not run: 
  # Tests to present in ?unitTests.svUnit but not run automatically
  # Run all currently loaded packages test cases and test suites
  runTest(svSuiteList(), "AllTests")
## End(Not run)
  # Check errors at the end (needed to interrupt R CMD check)

SciViews/svUnit documentation built on May 14, 2022, 3:47 p.m.