genIncUI: Generate Inclusion Criteria

Description Arguments Value


Users should have access to the database which is used to generate the inclusion criterion. And DaSA team generates the inclusion criterion by this function.


Key Variable

A character string with the key variable of the inclusion criterion. It should be one character.

Key Description

A character vector with the key description of the inclusion criterion. It could be multiple character strings, it also could be empty. And the default value is empty.


A character string with the name of database. If the type of data table is the ORE, Oracle and SQL, there is no need to input the extension, for example, "table_name"; If the type of data table is the flat type, there should be add the extension in, for example,"table_name_1.csv"

Identifier Variable

A character vector with the identifier variableof the inclusion criterion. Notice that it could be multiple character strings, it also could be empty. And the default value is empty.

Count Identifier Variable

A logical vector indicating whether a count summary will be generated for each of the variables specified in identifier.var. It could be all FALSE, means generate inclusion criteria without count information. The default value is rep(FALSE,length(identifier.var)).


A logical value whether rewrite the inclusion criteria when it already exists. The default value is TRUE.


Inclusion criterion with two sheets, the first is overall list, its column contains: key variable, key variable's description (if applicable), remarks and selection; the second is setting list, its colum contains: Argument and Specification.

Senbee/RcmdrPlugin.RDataXMan documentation built on May 28, 2019, 3:15 p.m.