Man pages for SenguptaLab/MF.matR
Takes mirofluidics data and does stuff with it

beh_matbeh_mat melt function Takes a matlab behmat file and converts...
beh_mat_tidybeh_mat_tidy Takes a matlab behmat file and converts it to...
beh_merge_allbeh_merge_all function combines functions beh_mat, y_mat, and...
beh_merge_all_tidybeh_merge_all_tidy function combines functions beh_mat,...
curve.anglefunction to calculate 3 point curvature based on law of...
dir_matdir_mat melt function Takes a matlab dirmat file and converts...
dir_mat_tidydir_mat_tidy melt function Takes a matlab-derived dirmat .csv...
fix_reversalsfix_reversals function attempts to fix mis-ID'ed reversals...
GetSripePropusing all_track_data file, determines whether a worm is in...
Import.WL.dataImport Wormlab data, merge and convert to long format with...
lingrad_mirrorlingrad_mirror function takes linear gradient data and...
melt_matDatamelt_matData fucntion to tidy up matlab datasets which are in...
norm_beh_enternorm_beh_enter function Normalizes behavioral data +/- 2.5mm...
norm_beh_enter_3norm_beh_enter_3 function Normalizes behavioral data +/-...
norm_beh_exitnorm_beh_exit function Normalizes behavioral data +/- 2.5mm...
norm_beh_exit_3norm_beh_exit_3 function Normalizes behavioral data +/- 2.5mm...
plot_heatmapplot_heatmap Generate a heatmap from a previously analyzed...
plot_ResidencyPlot residency from Wormlab dauer data by space and time.
plot_Residency_overlayPlot residency from Wormlab dauer data by space and time,...
plot_speedFoodplot_speedFood plot roaming speed across food conditions
plot_stateProbsPlot state probability from Wormlab data by space and time.
read.binsizeread_binsize function simple prompt for binsize - user input
spd_mat_tidyspd_mat_tidy data munge Takes a matlab ymat file and converts...
Speed_curve_4xParallelSpeed_curve_4xParallel roam/dwell test using wormlab data
WLmult_dauer_resWrapper for '' and 'plot_Residency' to allow...
WriteStripePropusing all_track_data.csv file, calculates proportion of worm...
x_mat_tidyx_mat_tidy data munge Takes a matlab xmat file and converts...
y_maty_mat melt function Takes a matlab ymat file and converts it...
y_mat_tidyy_mat_tidy data munge Takes a matlab ymat file and converts...
SenguptaLab/MF.matR documentation built on Feb. 5, 2023, 4:57 p.m.