
# ls's through the current working directory and removes all files/folders that
# don't match the extensions in safeExtensions. In particular, this will delete
# the folder ./tmp/
cleanUp <- function(safeExtensions) {
unlink("tmp", recursive = TRUE )
#   filesInDir <- 
#     unlist(str_split(system("ls", intern=TRUE), pattern = "[[:space:]]+"))
#   sapply(filesInDir, function(file) {
#     extension <- str_split(file, pattern="[.]", n=2)[[1]][2]
#     if (!(extension %in% safeExtensions)) {
#       cat("Removing", file, "...\n")
#       system(str_c("rm -rf ", file))
#     }
#     invisible(file)
#   })
SeungkiKwak/Kwak_S_PhD_thesis documentation built on May 9, 2019, 1:22 p.m.