Man pages for ShanaScogin/BayesPostEst
Generate Postestimation Quantities for Bayesian MCMC Estimation

BayesPostEstBayesPostEst Overview
BayesPostEst-deprecatedDeprecated functions in package 'BayesPostEst'.
compute_rocCompute ROC and PR curve points
identify_link_functionTry to identify link function
is_binary_modelTry to identify if a stanfit model is a binary choice model
mcmcAveProbPredicted Probabilities using Bayesian MCMC estimates for the...
mcmcCoefPlotCoefficient Plots for MCMC Output
mcmcFDFirst Differences of a Bayesian Logit or Probit model
mcmcMargEffMarginal Effects Plots for MCMC Output
mcmcObsProbPredicted Probabilities using Bayesian MCMC estimates for the...
mcmcRegLaTeX or HTML regression tables for MCMC Output
mcmcRocPrcROC and Precision-Recall Curves using Bayesian MCMC estimates
mcmcRocPrcGenROC and Precision-Recall Curves using Bayesian MCMC estimates...
mcmcTabSummarize Bayesian MCMC Output R function for summarizing...
new_mcmcRocPrcConstructor for mcmcRocPrc objects
plot.mcmcFDPlot Method for First Differences from MCMC output
ShanaScogin/BayesPostEst documentation built on May 20, 2022, 6:36 p.m.