Man pages for ShichenXie/getpedr
Public Economic Data and Quantitative Analysis

crossovercrossover operators
dt_banksdataset of bank stocks in sse
dt_ssecdataset of shanghai composite index
ed_codecode list by category
ed_fredquery FRED economic data
ed_fred_symbolsymbol of FRED economic data
ed_nbsquery NBS economic data
ed_nbs_subregionsubregion code of NBS economic data
ed_nbs_symbolsymbol of NBS economic data
md_bondquery bond data
md_forexquery forex data
md_futurequery future market data
md_future_symbolsymbol of future market data
md_moneyquery interbank offered rate
md_moneycnquery chinese benchmark rates
md_stockquery stock market data
md_stock_adjustadjust stock prices
md_stock_financialsquery financial statements
md_stock_symbolsymbol components of exchange
md_symbolsymbol of market data
pq_addtiadding technical indicators
pq_addti_funstechnical functions
pq_freqconverting frequency of daily data
pq_oprdataframe operation
pq_performancecalculating performance metrics
pq_performance_funsperformance functions
pq_plotcreating charts for time series
pq_portfoliocalculating returns/equity of portfolio
pq_returncalculating returns by frequency
ShichenXie/getpedr documentation built on April 4, 2024, 8:20 a.m.