Man pages for ShinyFabio/OliveHealthR2
A Shiny App for statistical and graphical analysis of data from the Olivehealth project

assaggi2020Panel test degli oli
create_beautiful_radarchartCreate a customized spider plot
download_photoDownload photos and copy in www folder
drupecamp2020Schede del campionamento 2020 delle drupe
label_with_unitMake a vector with the labels for plots with unit measure
makedata_meteoMake a tmap object that can be rendered in shiny
make_heatmapMake a Heatmap using ComplexHeatmap package.
make_tmapMake a tmap object that can be rendered in shiny
morfometria2020Morfometria di drupe, foglie ed endocarpo della stagione 2020
oliocampionamento2020Schede del campionamento 2020 dell'olio
Olv_select_colSelect column from a dataframe
polifind2020Polifenoli individuali di drupe, foglie, olio e posa 2020
poliftot2020Polifenoli totali di drupe, foglie, olio, posa e sansa 2020
run_OliveHealthRLaunches the web shiny App "OliveHealthR"
sorder_dataSort and order a dataframe to be used for the heatmap
ShinyFabio/OliveHealthR2 documentation built on Oct. 18, 2024, 2:22 a.m.