
Damm Algorithm Check Digit Implementation in R

This script creates a function called DammDigit which can be used to generate a check digit using the Damm Algorithm. It can also be used to check a number for validity where a check digit has been added using this function.

The algorithm depends on the use of a totallly asymmetric quasigroup of order 10 (a 10 x 10 matrix) and the check digit returned depends on which matrix is used. The implementation of the algorithm in this function is based on the matrix given in the reference below.


To create a check digit for the number '572' type the following into the R console:


This returns 4. Append this to the number to get 5724.

To check a number with a check digit for validity (e.g. 5724 as created above) simply type:


This returns 0, indicating that the number is valid. If anything other than 0 is returned, there is a transcription error in the number.

This can be incorporated into any program where a check digit needs to be generated and/or checked for validity.


This script was written by Simon Dulku


This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as R itself


This implementation of the Damm Alogirthm is based on the description and matrix given in the reference below:

SiBorg7/Damm documentation built on May 11, 2019, 4:15 p.m.