knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" )
library(lab4sidjac) library("caret") library("mlbench") library("leaps")
Divide the BostonHousing data (or your own API data) into a test and training dataset using the caret package.
data("BostonHousing") BostonHousing[,-c(4,14)] <- scale(BostonHousing[,-c(4,14)]) set.seed(1) index <- createDataPartition(BostonHousing$medv, times = 1, p = 0.2)$Resample1 train_dat <- BostonHousing[-index,] test_dat <- BostonHousing[index,]
Fit a linear regression model.
# Linear regression set.seed(201015) glm_fit <- caret::train(medv~., data = train_dat, method = "lm") glm_fit$finalModel
Fit a linear regression model with forward selection of covariates on the training data set.
# Linear regression with forward selection set.seed(201015) glm_fit_forward <- caret::train(medv~., data= train_dat, method="leapForward", tuneGrid = data.frame(nvmax = 1:ncol(train_dat[,-14]))) index <- glm_fit_forward$bestTune[[1]] coef(glm_fit_forward$finalModel,index)
Evaluate the performance of this models on the training data set.
# lm glm_fit$results # leapForward glm_fit_forward$results[index,]
The linear model have a RMSE of 5.28118 and a $R^2=0.7$. The linear model with forward selection have a RMSE of 5.279548 and a $R^2=0.7$. The forward selection that measure RMSE selects only 11 variables for the model and preforms a lower RSME than the simple linear model with all variables.
Fit a ridge regression model using your ridgereg() function to the training data set for different values of $\lambda$.
library(lab4sidjac) library(caret) library(mlbench) library(lab4sidjac) ## model list ridgereg_model <- list(type = "Regression", library = "lab4sidjac", loop = NULL, prob= NULL, label="Ridge Regression") ## sort ridgereg_model$sort <- function(x) x ## parameters ridgereg_model$parameters <- data.frame(parameter = 'lambda', class = 'numeric', label = 'lambda') ridgereg_model$grid <- function(x, y, len = NULL, search = "grid"){ data.frame(lambda = seq(from = 0 , to = 10, by = 0.5 )) } ## fit ridgereg_model$fit <- function(x, y, lambda, param, lev, last, classProbs, ...){ index <- vapply(1:ncol(x), function(i) all(y == x[,i]), logical(1)) form <- paste0(colnames(x[!index]),collapse = " ") form <- gsub(" ", " + ", form) form <- paste0(colnames(x[index]), " ~ ", form) form <- as.formula(form) lab4sidjac::ridgereg(formula=form, data=x, lambda = param$lambda) } ## predict ridgereg_model$predict <- function(modelFit, newdata, preProc = NULL, submodels = NULL){ lab4sidjac::pred(modelFit, newdata) }
set.seed(201015) ridgereg_fit <- caret::train(x = train_dat, y = train_dat[,14], method=ridgereg_model) ridgereg_fit
The final value used for the model was lambda = 4 with a RMSE = 5.273424, this preforms a better RMSE than the two previous models.
Find the best hyperparameter value for $\lambda$ using 10-fold cross-validation on the training set.
seedlist<- lapply(1:11, function(x){ set.seed(x), 21) }) fitControl <- trainControl(method = 'cv', number = 10, seeds = seedlist) set.seed(201015) ridgereg_fit_10_cross <- caret::train(x = train_dat, y = train_dat[,14], method=ridgereg_model, trControl = fitControl) ridgereg_fit_10_cross
The final value used for the model was lambda = 3.5 with a RMSE = 4.952410, this preforms a better RMSE than the previous Ridge regression model.
Evaluate the performance of all three models on the test data set and write some concluding comments.
RMSE(predict(glm_fit_forward, newdata=test_dat), test_dat$medv) RMSE(predict(ridgereg_fit, newdata=test_dat), test_dat$medv) RMSE(predict(ridgereg_fit_10_cross, newdata=test_dat), test_dat$medv)
The best RMSE of the 3 models is Ridge Regression with all variables with a $\lambda$-value of 4.The model with Ridge regression could possible be fined tuned with a forward selection for finding a optimal model. There seems to be a small difference in test data performance between the model with and without cross validation.
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