vacuum-package: vacuum: Tukey's Vacuum Cleaner

Description See Also


An implementation of three procedures developed by John Tukey: FUNOP (FUll NOrmal Plot), FUNOR-FUNOM (FUll NOrmal Rejection-FUll NOrmal Modification), and vacuum cleaner. Combined, they provide a way to identify, treat, and analyze outliers in two-way (i.e., contingency) tables, as described in his landmark paper "The Future of Data Analysis", Tukey, John W. (1962) <doi:10.1214/aoms/1177704711>.

An implementation of three procedures developed by John Tukey: FUNOP (FUll NOrmal Plot), FUNOR-FUNOM (FUll NOrmal Rejection-FUll NOrmal Modification), and vacuum cleaner. Combined, they provide a way to identify, treat, and analyze outliers in two-way (i.e., contingency) tables, as described in his landmark paper "The Future of Data Analysis", Tukey, John W. (1962) <doi:10.1214/aoms/1177704711>.

See Also

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