The RP package can be used to analyze the data from the US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's. The R package is available on my Github and can be used by typing the following commands:



There are five functions that can be utilized for the analysis

-fars_read() -make_filename() -fars_read_years() -fars_summarize_years() -fars_map_state()

The function "fars_read()" implements the read methods to a csv file.


The function "make_filename()" creates a filename for a .csv.bz2 based on the year that you input.


The function "fars_read_years()" returns a list of dataframes with MONTH and year columns based on data in "accident_.csv.bz2" files.


The function "fars_summarize_years()" counts number of accidents per month and year.


The function "fars_map_state()" accepts a state number and year and plots the accidents in a simple map.

accidents_state_year<-fars_map_state(35, 2014)

The accidents data from 2013 to 2015 are available in both data folder and RP directory.

SimonFans/RP documentation built on May 8, 2019, 11:10 p.m.