Man pages for Smith-Group/fitnmr
FitNMR multidimensional spectrum analysis

abind_listCombine multi-dimensional arrays with lists
collapse_naCollapse strings of repeated NAs in a vector with numeric...
collapse_na_arrayCollapse blocks of NAs in an array with numeric dimension...
comb_vec_to_param_arrayDetermine array of destination parameters from a source...
contour_pipePlot Spectra Contours
coupling_param_idxGet a list of logical arrays indicating which parameters...
extract_paramsExtract parameters from fit object for use with...
fit_footprintDetermine the region of a spectrum containing the majority of...
fitnmrfitnmr Package Overview
fit_peak_clusterFit a cluster nearby peaks starting from a seed table of...
fit_peak_iterIterative Peak Fitting
fit_peaksFit peaks from a table of chemical shifts
get_spec_intGet arrays of spectral intensities for input, starting...
get_spec_peak_intGet spectra for individual peaks
height_assignCalculate mapping from assigned peak list onto an unknown...
infer_acquisition_timeInfer acquisition time for each dimension
infer_aliasingInfer which dimension was directly acquired
infer_directInfer which dimension was directly acquired
infer_sweep_widthInfer original sweep width for each dimension
limit_omega0_by_r2Add upper/lower limits based on the r2 value
make_coupling_matMake a multiplet matrix with weights and scalar coupling...
make_fit_inputPrepare input data structure for peak fitting
make_mapCreate a sparse axis
make_param_listMake a parameter list for a set of spectra and chemical...
nmr_pipeProcess an FID with NMRPipe
noise_estimateEstimate Noise
omega0_comb_source_idxGet the first index in the omega0 array corresponding to each...
omega0_param_idxGet a list of logical arrays indicating which parameters...
param_array_to_comb_vecDetermine vector of source parameters from destination array...
param_list_to_arg_listConvert a list of parameters for use with make_fit_input
param_list_to_peak_dfConvert Fit to Data Frame
param_list_to_tablesConvert a parameter list into a set of tables with...
param_valuesGet/set a subset of fitting parameters specified by a list of...
peak_bindCombine parameter lists referring to different peaks
peak_df_to_fit_inputConvert a peak data frame to fit input
peak_df_to_param_listConvert a peak data frame to a parameter list
perform_fitPerform a fit with an input data structure
plot_fit_1dPlot a one dimensional peak fit
plot_fit_2dPlot a two dimensional peak fit
plot_peak_dfPlot Peaks from a Peak Table
plot_resonances_1dPlot resonances from 1D fit
plot_resonances_2dPlot resonances from 2D fit
plot_resonances_3dPlot resonances from 3D fit
plot_sparse_1dPlot spectrum from 1D fit
plot_sparse_2dPlot spectrum from 2D fit
ppm_to_ptsConvert PPM values to points
read_nmrdraw_peak_tabRead an NMRDraw formatted peak table
read_nmrpipeRead NMRPipe spectrum
resonance_to_param_listConvert data frame of resonances into a parameter list
sim_time_ndSimulate an FID using the NMRPipe SimTimeND function
spec_bindCombine parameter lists referring to different spectra
spec_overlap_matDetermine a matrix of fractional peak overlap
split_coupling_namesSplit string of scalar coupling names
tables_to_param_listConvert tables with resonance/nuclei/couplings to a parameter...
update_fit_boundsUpdate bounds on fitting parameters
whz_to_ptsConvert widths in Hz into points
write_nmrdraw_peak_tabWrite an NMRDraw formatted peak table
Smith-Group/fitnmr documentation built on April 25, 2024, 3:05 a.m.