
## ----eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------------------
#  #EDAN creds
#  AppID = "APP_ID"
#  AppKey = "verylong_key"
#  #Required packages
#  library("EDANr")
#  library("magick")
#  library("stringr")
#  #Create folders to store images
#  #Horizontal images
#  dir.create("images_h", showWarnings = FALSE)
#  #Vertical images
#  dir.create("images_v", showWarnings = FALSE)

## ----eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------------------
#  #EDAN query for orchids of Smithsonian Gardens with images
#  orchids_query <- "orchid smithsonian gardens&fq=online_media_type:\"Images\""
#  orchids_fqs <- "online_media_type:\"Images\""
#  #Get number of results in EDAN
#  results <- EDANr::edan_metadata_search(query = orchids_query,
#                               fqs = orchids_fqs,
#                               AppID = AppID,
#                               AppKey = AppKey,
#                               rows = 1,
#                               start = 0)
#  results_count <- results$rowCount
#  #Calculate the number of steps needed to get all the results,
#  # in steps of 100 rows each, the maximum the API returns
#  steps <- floor(results_count/100)

## ----eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------------------
#  #Loop over each step, getting all the images
#  for (i in seq(0, steps)){
#    #Query to get the next 100 results
#    results <- EDANr::edan_metadata_search(query = orchids_query,
#                                 fqs = orchids_fqs,
#                                 AppID = AppID,
#                                 AppKey = AppKey,
#                                 rows = 100,
#                                 start = (i*100))
#    #If there are results in this step
#    if (!is.null(dim(results$rows))){
#      #Loop over each result in this step
#      for (j in seq(1, dim(results$rows)[1])){
#        #
#        #See code below
#        #
#      }
#    }
#  }

## ----eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------------------
#  #Get images, available from IDS
#  ids_images <- results$rows$content$descriptiveNonRepeating$online_media$media[j][[1]]
#  #Filter for images that were taken by the contractor of the project
#  which_image <- ids_images[stringr::str_which(ids_images$caption, "Creekside Digital"),]
#  #Select the close-up image of the flowers of the plant, coded with '102' in the filename
#  which_image_detail <- which_image[stringr::str_which(ids_images$idsId, "102"),]

## ----eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------------------
#  #Get image URL
#  image <- which_image_detail$content[1]
#  #Get image ID
#  idsID <- which_image_detail$idsId[1]
#  #Download the image
#  localimage <- paste0(idsID, ".jpg")
#  dlfile <- try(download.file(url = image,
#                              destfile = localimage,
#                              mode = "wb"),
#                silent = TRUE)
#  #If there is an error, skip and
#  # go to the next one in the loop
#  if (class(dlfile) == "try-error"){
#      next
#    }

## ----eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------------------
#  #Read image to find size
#  img <- image_read(localimage)
#  img_info <- image_info(img)
#  if (img_info$width > img_info$height){
#    #Horizontal, resize to 3840x2160
#    img_scaled <- image_scale(img, "3840x2160")
#  }else{
#    #Vertical, resize to 2160x3840
#    img_scaled <- image_scale(img, "2160x3840")
#  }

## ----eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------------------
#  #Get image title, which contains the name of the specimen
#  img_title <- results$rows$title[j]
#  #If title is too long, break into two lines
#  if (nchar(img_title) > 30){
#    img_title1 <- strsplit(img_title, " ")[[1]]
#    spl_no <- floor(length(img_title1)/2)
#    img_title_1 <- paste(img_title1[1:spl_no],
#                         collapse = " ")
#    img_title_2 <- paste(img_title1[spl_no+1:(length(img_title1) - spl_no)],
#                         collapse = " ")
#    img_title <- paste0(img_title_1,
#                        "\n   ",
#                        img_title_2)
#  }
#  #Get common name of plant, if available
#  common_name <- unlist(results$rows$content$indexedStructured$common_name[j])[[1]]
#  if (!is.null(common_name)){
#    title <- paste0(common_name, "\n", img_title)
#  }
#  #Add the accession number and identify the unit
#  title <- paste0(title,
#                  "\nAccession Number: ",
#                  results$rows$content$freetext$identifier[j][[1]]$content,
#                  "\nSmithsonian Gardens")
#  #Write the info to the image
#  img_ready <- image_annotate(img_scaled,
#                              title,
#                              font = 'Arial',
#                              size = 60,
#                              color = "white",
#                              gravity = "SouthWest")
#  #Write image to one of two folders
#  if (img_info$width > img_info$height){
#    #Image is wide, store in Horizontal folder
#    image_write(img_ready,
#                path = paste0("images_h/" ,
#                              idsID,
#                              ".jpg"),
#                format = "jpg")
#  }else{
#    #Image is tall, store in Vertical folder
#    image_write(img_ready,
#                path = paste0("images_v/",
#                              idsID,
#                              ".jpg"),
#                format = "jpg")
#  }
#  #Delete original image
#  file.remove(localimage)
Smithsonian/EDANr documentation built on Dec. 11, 2023, 2:18 a.m.