Man pages for Sondre91/STGARCH

bootstrap.estBoostrap estimation function
estEstimation of 2D STARCH(1)
ggplot_bootstrapFunction for creating PBBC plots
LS.estimationLeast Squares Estimation of STARCH(1)
max_likMaximum Likelihood Estimation of STARCH(1)
neighbourmatrixCreate neighbourmatrix
reflecting_neighbourmatrixCreate reflecting neighbourmatrix
run_2d_simestRun 2D simulation-estimation experiment
running.bootstrapRunning boostrap experiments
simulation_1d_archSimulation of 1D STARCH processes
simulation_1d_garchSimulation of 1D STGARCH-process
simulation_2d_archSimulation of 2D STARCH-process
simulation_2d_garchSimulation of 2D STGARCH-process
stackerFunctions for transforming arrays
STGARCHSTGARCH: A package simulating and estimating STGARCH...
tilArrayFunctions for transforming arrays
tilVektorFunctions for transforming arrays
Sondre91/STGARCH documentation built on May 9, 2019, 1:52 p.m.