Man pages for SparseMSE/sparsemse
Multiple systems estimation for Sparse capture data

Artificial_3Artificial data set to demonstrate possible instabilities
buildmodelBuild model for multiple systems estimation
buildmodelmatrixBuild the model matrix based on particular data, as required...
checkallmodelsCheck all possible models
checkidentCheck a model for the existence and identifiability of the...
estimatepopulationEstimate the total population including the dark figure
investigateAICPlot of simulation study
modelfitFit a specified model to Multiple Systems Estimation data
NewOrlNew Orleans data
NewOrl_5New Orleans data five list version
stepwisefitStepwise fit using Poisson pvalues.
tidylistsProduce a data matrix with a unique row for each capture...
WesternVictims related to sex trafficking in a U.S. Western site
SparseMSE/sparsemse documentation built on May 7, 2019, 7:13 p.m.