Man pages for Stan125/ghp
Generalisation of hierarchical partitioning

accUnique combinations of variables
ghpHierarchical Partitioning
gofObtain Goodness of Fit Figures
gof_gamlssInternal: Get GOF's for models computed with "gamlss" method
gof_getterFunction to obtain specific GOF for all given models
gof_lmInternal: Get GOF's for models computed with "lm" method
goodfitCreate a goodfit object
indep_tfData Transformer
indiaMalnutrition in india
mfitModel fitter
mfit_gamlssFit all possible model combinations for "gamlss" model class
mfit_lmFit all possible model combinations for "lm" model class
n_combsInternal function: Calculate number of combinations
partStep Four: Do hierarchical partitioning
part_coreCore function of part(). Does the partitioning.
perm_cppCore partitioning function
plot_ghpPlot ghp results
selectorInternal: Function to make a dataframe out of selected list...
Stan125/ghp documentation built on Feb. 1, 2020, 1:21 p.m.