Man pages for StatGent/RiskStandard
Package for benchmarking clinical care centers

dx.expitcompute the derivative of expit
expitcompute expit
funnelPlotFunnel plot comparing institutional performance
labelCentersLabel centers, i.e. assign risk categories to all centers
largeCaseMixLarge Case-Mix Data
largeCaseMix_missingLarge Case-Mix Data with Missing Consciousness Level for...
logitcompute logit
plotCenterLabelsPlot the standardized risk with confidence limits per center
plotRisksPlot observed vs. expected risks
simulateDataSimulate example data for risk standardization
smallCaseMixSmall Case-Mix Data
standardizeRisksEstimate standardized mortality risks
StatGent/RiskStandard documentation built on May 9, 2019, 1:57 p.m.