nz.intl.migr: Permament and long-term arrivals to and departures from New...

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A permanent and long-term arrival is an international arrival of a person who intends to reside in the country for at least on year. A permanent and long-term departure is an international departure of a person who intends to reside out of the country for at least one year.




An array with dimensions "region", "age", "sex", "year", and "direction".


The data are for June years. For instance, data for the year "1997" refer to the period 1 July 1996 to 30 June 1997.

The data are disaggregated by age, sex, territorial authority, year, and direction ("Arrival" or "Departure").

The territorial authority is the most important sub-national administrative unit in New Zealand. In 2010, seven territorial authorities were amalgamated to form a single Auckland region. nz.intl.migr uses the pre-amalgamation boundaries for 1997-2010 and post-amalgamation boundary for 2011-2016.


Calculated from data on Statistics New Zealand website. Downloaded 6 March 2017.

See Also


StatisticsNZ/demdata documentation built on Nov. 6, 2019, 11:09 p.m.