Man pages for SticsRPacks/CroptimizR
A Package to Estimate Parameters of Crop Models

AICComputes AIC for ordinary least squares
AICcComputes AICc for ordinary least squares
BICComputes BIC for ordinary least squares
check_obsSim_consistencyCheck the consistency of observation and simulation lists
complete_init_valuesComplete initial values in param_info by sampling values from...
compute_eq_constCompute equality constraints on model wrapper input...
estim_parammain function for parameter estimation
filter_obsFilter observation list to exclude situations, variables or...
filter_param_infoFilter param_info list for a subset of parameters
get_init_valuesExtract parameter initial values from parameter information
get_params_boundsExtract bounds from parameter information
get_params_init_valuesExtract parameter initial values from parameter information
get_params_namesExtract param names from parameter information
get_params_per_sitReturn a list of parameters active for a given situation
get_reserved_keywordsReturn reserved keywords that should not be used as...
intersect_sim_obsIntersect simulation and observation lists
is.dataCheck format of data storage (for simulation results or...
is.obsCheck format of observation list
is.simCheck format of simulated data list
is_sim_inf_or_naCheck if sim contains inf/na values when there are...
ls_criteriaCriteria to optimize
main_critmain function for criterion to optimize
make_obsSim_consistentTry to make observation and simulation lists consistent if...
optim_switchCall the required parameter estimation method
plot_bayesianGenerate plots for bayesian methods
plot_estimVSinitCreate plots of estimated versus initial values of the...
plot_frequentistGenerate plots for frequentist methods
plot_valuesVSitCreate plots of parameters and criterion values per iteration...
plot_valuesVSit_2DCreate 2D plots of parameters values evolution per iteration...
post_treat_frequentistPost-treat results of frequentist methods
post_treat_FwdRegAgMIPPost-treat the results of the Forward Selection algorithm...
sample_paramssample values in given distribution
save_results_FwdRegAgMIPSave the results of the Forward Selection algorithm proposed...
select_param_FwdRegAgMIPProvide a list of candidate parameters to estimate based on...
set_init_valuesSet initial values in param_info
summary_bayesianSummarizes results of bayesian methods
summary_frequentistSummarizes results of frequentist methods
summary_FwdRegAgMIPSummarize the results of the Forward Selection algorithm...
test_wrapperTest model wrappers
wrap_BayesianToolsA wrapper for BayesianTools package
wrap_nloptrA wrapper for nloptr package
wrap_optimA wrapper for optim function
SticsRPacks/CroptimizR documentation built on March 1, 2025, 12:25 p.m.