compute_eq_const: Compute equality constraints on model wrapper input...

View source: R/compute_eq_const.R

compute_eq_constR Documentation

Compute equality constraints on model wrapper input parameters


Compute equality constraints on model wrapper input parameters


compute_eq_const(forced_param_values, param_values)



Named vector or list, must contain the values (or arithmetic expression, see details section) for the model parameters to force. The corresponding values will be transferred to the model wrapper through its param_values argument during the estimation process. Should not include values for estimated parameters (i.e. parameters defined in param_info argument), except if they are listed as candidate parameters (see argument candidate_param).


Named vector or tibble, value(s) of the estimated parameters as provided by the parameter estimation algorithm (and possibly transformed in main_crit function)


Named vector or tibble (same type as param_values) containing the values for the model parameters to force.

SticsRPacks/CroptimizR documentation built on March 1, 2025, 12:25 p.m.