AcousticPSU: Acoustic PSU

AcousticPSUR Documentation

Acoustic PSU


The AcousticPSU process data contains the following three tables: Stratum_PSU, EDSU_PSU and PSUByTime. The table Stratum_PSU contains two columns, Stratum and PSU, linking each acoustic PSUs with a Stratum. The table EDSU_PSU contains two columns, EDSU and PSU, linking each EDSU with and acoustic PSU (possibly missing PSU). The table PSUByTime is a representation the tables Stratum_PSU and EDSU_PSU as start and end time for each un-broken sequence of EDSUs, containing the columns Stratum, PSU, Cruise, StartDateTime and StopDateTime. Note that the table PSUByTime is not updated if UseProcessData is set to TRUE in DefineAcousticPSU. To update PSUByTime, set UseProcessData to FALSE and DefinitionMethod to "Manual", and re-run the process.

See Also

This data type is produced by DefineAcousticPSU. See DataTypes for a list of all StoX data types produced by RstoxBase

StoXProject/RstoxBase documentation built on Jan. 22, 2025, 2:07 a.m.