readMetierTable: Read metier table

View source: R/metierAnnotation.R

readMetierTableR Documentation

Read metier table


Reads a table of metier definitions.


readMetierTable(filename, encoding = "UTF8")



character() path to file that contains metier definitions. See details for format.


The character encoding of the file identified by 'filename'


The file identified by 'filename' must be a tab-separated file, and must provided headers which must match column names in MetierTable

gearnotation: The file format allows a shorthand notation for metiers that are defined the same way for different unmeshed gearcodes or targets. These may be written on one line, with the different gear codes separated by commas or different targets separated by commas.

Optional columns may be omitted. They will be interpreted as NA. Comments may be provided on lines with a leading '#'. Logical values ('meshedGear' and 'meshedSelectivityDevice') should be encoded with 'T' for true and 'F' for false.


MetierTable containing metier definitions.

StoXProject/RstoxFDA documentation built on Jan. 13, 2024, 12:32 a.m.