
#' ICES rectangles
#' Definitions for ICES rectangles.
#' ICES rectangles are defined by grids made up from integer longitudes, integer latitudes, and a bisection between each pair of latitudes.
#' They derive their name from being rectangular in mercator projection.
#' The data contains the following columns with rows for each rectangle:
#' \describe{
#'  \item{ICESNAME}{name of the rectangle in standard ICES notation}
#'  \item{SOUTH}{southern border of rectangle (latitude)}
#'  \item{WEST}{western border of rectangle (longitude)}
#'  \item{NORTH}{northern border of rectangle (latitdue)}
#'  \item{EAST}{eastern border of rectangle (longitude)}
#'  \item{Area_Full}{Code for full ICES area, including the FAO area code (27).}
#'  \item{Area_27}{Code for full ICES area, excluding the FAO area code (27).}
#' }
#' The data also contains columns for the individul components of the full ICES area code:
#' <Major_FA>.<SubArea>.<Division>.<SubDivision>.<Unit>
#' Polygons are derived from shapefiles provided by ICES web-portals.
#' Polygons are defined in WGS84 coordinates (unprojected).
#' @docType data
#' @usage data(ICESrectangles)
#' @format \code{\link[sp]{SpatialPolygonsDataFrame}} with rectange names identified in the column 'StratumName'. See \code{\link[RstoxBase]{StratumPolygon}}.
#' @concept area code polygons
#' @keywords datasets
#' @examples
#'  # plot statistical rectangles in 27.3.a
#'  rect27.3.a <- RstoxFDA::ICESrectangles[
#'     RstoxFDA::ICESrectangles$SubArea==3 & 
#'     RstoxFDA::ICESrectangles$Division=="a",]
#'  RstoxFDA::plotArea(areaDef = rect27.3.a)
StoXProject/RstoxFDA documentation built on Jan. 13, 2024, 12:32 a.m.