mtrostR Build Status

The goal of mtrostR is to facilitate analysis of fatalities dataset produced by US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

The other goal is to serve for testing.


This is a basic example which shows you how to construct a filename string and import a dataset into R session:

# choose a year
my_year <- 2013

# construct filename to be used for importing dataset into R
my_filename <- make_filename(year = my_year)

# import datast into R usint filename string
my_df <- fars_read(my_filename)


# A tibble: 30,202 x 50
   <int>   <int>    <int>    <int>    <int> <int>      <int>   <int>   <int>
 1     1   10001        1        1        0     0          0       8       8
 2     1   10002        2        2        0     0          0       2       2
 3     1   10003        1        1        0     0          0       1       1
 4     1   10004        1        1        0     0          0       3       3
 5     1   10005        2        2        0     0          0       3       3
 6     1   10006        2        2        0     0          0       3       3
 7     1   10007        1        1        0     0          0       1       1
 8     1   10008        2        2        0     0          0       2       2
 9     1   10009        1        1        0     0          0       1       1
10     1   10010        2        2        0     0          0       4       4
# ... with 30,192 more rows, and 41 more variables: COUNTY <int>, CITY <int>,
#   DAY <int>, MONTH <int>, YEAR <int>, DAY_WEEK <int>, HOUR <int>, MINUTE <int>,
#   NHS <int>, ROAD_FNC <int>, ROUTE <int>, TWAY_ID <chr>, TWAY_ID2 <chr>,
#   MILEPT <int>, LATITUDE <dbl>, LONGITUD <dbl>, SP_JUR <int>, HARM_EV <int>,
#   MAN_COLL <int>, RELJCT1 <int>, RELJCT2 <int>, TYP_INT <int>, WRK_ZONE <int>,
#   REL_ROAD <int>, LGT_COND <int>, WEATHER1 <int>, WEATHER2 <int>, WEATHER <int>,
#   SCH_BUS <int>, RAIL <chr>, NOT_HOUR <int>, NOT_MIN <int>, ARR_HOUR <int>,
#   ARR_MIN <int>, HOSP_HR <int>, HOSP_MN <int>, CF1 <int>, CF2 <int>, CF3 <int>,
#   FATALS <int>, DRUNK_DR <int>

For more in-depth introductions to mtrostR please take a look at package vignette.

Struya/mtrostR documentation built on May 15, 2019, 4:18 a.m.