Man pages for SwampThingPaul/AnalystHelper
Helper functions developed over the years to extract and format data

axis_funHelper function for axis labels using base plotting
biweek.periodBiweekly Period during Water Year conductance to specific conductivity
conversionsRandom conversion helpers
cv.perCoefficient of variation
date_funDate function to convert character/other as.POSIXct to date.
dat.interpNutrient Load: Linearly interpolates data to conduct nutrient...
DBHYDRO_breakpointData retrieval from South Florida Water Management District...
DBHYDRO_dailyData retrieval from South Florida Water Management District...
DBHYDRO.meta.byDBKEYSouth Florida Water Management District online database...
DBHYDRO.meta.bysiteSouth Florida Water Management District online database...
DBHYDRO_WQData retrieval from South Florida Water Management District...
decimal.WYDecimal water year from a date field
DO_PerSatCalculates dissolved oxygen percent saturation from...
DO.ScreeningFunction to screen dissolved oxygen data within the...
DO.TOD.WQS.streamFlorida Department of Environmental Protection Time-of-day... Eastern Daylight Saving time (EDT) to Eastern...
dunn.lettersPlotting helper function to add letters indicating...
ecdf_funeCDF with confidence intervals
errorbarsErrorbars to be used with base plotting
FL.HydroseasonA function to return the wet/dry hydrologic season specific...
Folder.MakerFunction to make folders within working directory.
hydro.dayDay of Water Year
leg.funContinuous or categorical legend
Load.Calc.kgNutrient Load: Calculates load from discharge and...
log.scale.funGenerate Log-base 10 sequence of values to be used in...
NReturns sample size
pt_errorPoint with error bars
pt_lineBase plotting helper function.
pt_line_errorPoint with error bars
qq.functionCalculation of theortical quantile (Quantile-Quantile Plot)
read.accessData retrievial from South Florida Water Management District...
SalinityCalcCalculates salinity from Specific Conductance and Temperature...
SECalcualtes standard error
shaded.rangeBase plotting helper function to draw a shaded polygon
stickplot.dat.arrowswindspeed and direction helper functions for base plotting
st_txtAdd text to map like raster::text()
thessian_createGIS Function to create thessian polygons from spatial points.
TN_CombineNitrogen concentration data handling
WYDetermines Water Year from a date field
SwampThingPaul/AnalystHelper documentation built on July 11, 2024, 5:21 a.m.