  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

This vignette describes how to create ldf resources from SPARQL queries or RDF files. You might like to first read the introduction vignette to understand how RDF resources are represented in LDF.


Downloading Resources with SPARQL

You can create resources by downloading a table of descriptions with a SPARQL SELECT query.

As an example, lets download some music genres from dbpedia. This query will find 100 things, identified by their uri that are music genres, along with their label and a descriptive comment. We'll look for the English version of the latter two strings.

music_genres_query <- "

  ?uri a :MusicGenre;
    rdfs:label ?label;
    rdfs:comment ?comment
  FILTER langMatches(lang(?label), 'EN')
  FILTER langMatches(lang(?comment), 'EN')
} LIMIT 100

We can use the query() function to execute the query and parse the results:

music_genre_results <- query(music_genres_query, endpoint="")
suppressPackageStartupMessages(require(vcr, quietly = TRUE))
invisible(vcr::use_cassette("music-genres", {
  music_genre_results <- query(music_genres_query, endpoint="")

This is what the first few results look like:


We can then create resources for these:

music_genres <- resource(music_genre_results$uri, description=music_genre_results)

Which we can then manipulate within R:

# find music genres where the description mentions "dance"
music_genres[grep("dance", property(music_genres, "comment"))]

Reading RDF files with rdflib

We can create resources from serialised RDF files too.

To read RDF into R we can use the rdflib package. This in turn uses the redland package to provide bindings to the C library of the same name, and the jsonld package for JSON-LD serialisations.

Let's load up an example from that package.


article_rdf <- rdf_parse(system.file("extdata", "ex.xml", package="rdflib", mustWork=TRUE))

This creates a list containing pointers to a redland world and model objects. We can take a peak at the statements with rdflib::print.rdf() (this serialises the data again and prints back the result):

print(article_rdf, format="turtle")

The contents is too big to display here, but you can see from the rdf file itself, that the data describes a journal article:

The description is a graph, not a table. It's not a tidy collection of similarly shaped objects. We've got the article itself, and nested descriptions of related resources.

We can identify the different resource types with a query:

rdf_query(article_rdf, "SELECT * WHERE { ?s a ?type }")

Here we can see the description also includes the journal in which the article is published and the creators.

We could gather all of these entities into a single resource vector, but the descriptions wouldn't overlap. The creators don't have prism:issn identifiers and the journal doesn't have a foaf:familyName.

Instead it makes more sense to split these entities into separate vectors. We'll focus on the creators, since there are several of them. We can do this with a query:

creators_triples <- rdf_query(article_rdf, "SELECT * WHERE { ?s a <>; ?p ?o }")

Now we have a table of statements about the creators:


We can tabulate these statements into a tidy data frame with one row per creator, and one column per property.


(creators_description <- creators_triples %>% 

We could proceed using the full URIs as properties, but it's nicer to replace these with shorter strings that don't need escaping with backticks:


(creators_description <- creators_description %>% 

We could have done the same transformation within the select query:

describe_creator = "
PREFIX foaf: <>
  ?uri a <>;
    a ?type;
    foaf:familyName ?family_name;
    foaf:givenName ?given_name;
    foaf:name ?name;

(creators_description <- rdf_query(article_rdf, describe_creator))

We can then use this to create the resource vector:

(creators <- resource(creators_description$uri, creators_description))

Swirrl/linked-data-frames documentation built on Sept. 14, 2022, 6:15 p.m.