knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" )
This tutorial demonstrates how to tabulate observations from a data cube. We'll convert the one observation per row "tidy" format into a table that looks like the original publication.
Our target is the UK Sea Fisheries Statistics, an adhoc release from the Marine Management Organisation.
The data is provided as a spreadsheet. The first table looks like this:
This is a cross-tabulation with row grouping and stacked column headers. The rows show three variables, with fishing activity grouped by Country, Vessel Length, and Species Group. The columns distinguish two measures - quantity and value, within this we have columns for years and a calculation of the change between 2019 and 2020.
This dataset is available as a DataCube on the COGS website. Here's a screenshot:
We can extract this into a linked-data frame.
library(ldf) library(dplyr) library(knitr)
fish <- get_cube("")
suppressPackageStartupMessages(require(vcr, quietly = TRUE)) invisible(vcr::use_cassette("tabulate-datacube", { fish <- get_cube("") }))
This data frame looks like this (peeking at the first 10 rows):
library(kableExtra) peak <- function(df) { df %>% head() %>% kbl() } peak(fish)
We can recreate the cross-tabulation as follows:
library(tidyr) fish_table <- fish %>% filter(label(admin_port)=="United Kingdom") %>% pivot_wider(id_cols=c(reference_area, vessel_length, species_group), names_from=c(measure_type, reference_period), names_glue="{label(measure_type)}_{label(reference_period)}", values_from=weight) %>% arrange(reference_area, vessel_length, species_group) %>% mutate(change=(`Weight_2020-11`/`Weight_2019`)-1)
The first 10 rows of which look like:
We can produce something formatted like the original as follows:
library(scales) fish_table %>% mutate(change=percent(change, accuracy=1)) %>% rename("Area"=reference_area, "Vessel Length"=vessel_length, "Species Group"=species_group, "2019"=`Weight_2019`, "2020"=`Weight_2020-11`, "Change"=change) %>% kbl(caption="Activity of the UK fishing fleet by country, vessel length and species group", escape=F) %>% kable_classic(full_width = F) %>% column_spec(6, extra_css = "text-align: right") %>% add_header_above(c(" "=3,"Quantity (t)"=3)) %>% collapse_rows(columns = 1:3, valign = "top")
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