
Defines functions calculateFeatureCorrs calculateSampleCorrs

Documented in calculateFeatureCorrs calculateSampleCorrs

#' cellwise correlation
#' @param sim_list  a list containing the real and simulated data
#' @param maxNForCorr number of cells selected to compute the cellwise correlation
#' @param ncore number of cores for parallel computing
#' @return A data frame with cellwise correlations for real and simulated data
#' @import WGCNA
#' @import GO.db
#' @import impute
#' @import preprocessCore
#' @import dplyr
#' @export
calculateSampleCorrs <- function(sim_list , maxNForCorr = 1000, ncore = 8 ) {

  sampleCorrDF <- mclapply(sim_list , function(x) {

    # get the log2 CPM
    cpms <- as.matrix(x$dge$log2cpm)

    # get the top 500 most variable genes
    var_genes <- apply(cpms, 1, var)
    maxgene <- min(500,  nrow(cpms))
    select_var <-  names(sort(var_genes, decreasing = TRUE))[1:maxgene]

    # Subset logcounts matrix
    cpms <- cpms[select_var, ]

    # say, there are 2000 cells, then only take the 1000 cells for the evaluation
    if (ncol(cpms) > maxNForCorr) {
      cpms <-  cpms[, sample(seq_len(ncol(cpms)), maxNForCorr, replace = FALSE)]

    # although this can compute correlation using multiple cores
    # the main function itself is already set up in parallel
    # so no more multiple cores here
    corrs <- WGCNA::cor(cpms,  use =  "pairwise.complete.obs",
                        method = "spearman",  nThreads = 1)

    data.frame(Correlation = corrs[upper.tri(corrs)])

  } ,  mc.cores = ncore )

  ## Merge correlations from all data sets
  ns <- vapply(sampleCorrDF, nrow, 0)
  do.call(rbind, sampleCorrDF) %>% dplyr::mutate(dataset = rep(names(sampleCorrDF), ns))


#' genewise correlation
#' @param sim_list  a list containing the real and simulated data
#' @param ncore number of cores for parallel computing
#' @return A data frame with genewise correlations for real and simulated data
#' @import WGCNA
#' @import GO.db
#' @import impute
#' @import preprocessCore
#' @import dplyr
#' @export
calculateFeatureCorrs <- function(sim_list ,  ncore = 8) {

    featureCorrDF <- mclapply(sim_list, function(x) {

      # get the log2 CPM
      cpms <- as.matrix(x$dge$log2cpm)
      cpms <- cpms[genefilter::rowVars(cpms) > 0,]

      # subset to calculate the correlation of the highly variable genes
      var_genes <- apply(cpms, 1, var)
      maxgene <- min(500,  nrow(cpms))
      select_var <-  names(sort(var_genes, decreasing = TRUE))[1:maxgene]
      cpms <- cpms[select_var, ]

      corrs <- WGCNA::cor(t(cpms),   use =  "pairwise.complete.obs",
                          method = "spearman" ,  nThreads =  1)

      data.frame(Correlation = corrs[upper.tri(corrs)])

    } ,  mc.cores = ncore)

    ## Merge correlations from all data sets
    ns <- vapply(featureCorrDF, nrow, 0)
    do.call(rbind, featureCorrDF) %>%  dplyr::mutate(dataset = rep(names(featureCorrDF), ns))

SydneyBioX/SimBench documentation built on March 14, 2024, 3:25 a.m.