Test environments

R CMD check results

0 errors | 0 warnings | 2 notes

Explanation of Notes

"Unexported objects imported by ':::' calls"

This package (mongolitedt) binds new methods to an object created from the package mongolite.

The function m <- mongolite::mongo() creates a connection object (m) to a mongodb database. m has associated methods and is in a locked environment.

The function in this package, bind_mongolitedt() unlocks the environment around m so it can attach two new methods. Unlocking the environment means I need to use ::: to call internal functions.

"Undefined global functions or variables: verbose"

The initial call to the mongolite::mongo() function takes 4 arguments: mongolite::mongo(collection, db, url, verbose), which are then used by the methods assigned to the mongo object (m)

The verbose argument is thefore defined in the mongolite package, and so is not defined in this package, but is used by the methods in this package.

SymbolixAU/mongolitedt documentation built on May 9, 2019, 3:30 p.m.